Mobile application for discovering solid geometry in AR.
Was made as part of a master's degree at MIPT.
Application has to important parts: editor and visulizer
In editor you can create new lessons, create figures at different steps, add descriptions and highlight parts
In visualizer you can view the result of your figures
- Open Scenes/LessonCreation/ConstructorScene.scene
- Make sure "Scene" window is opened and is focused somewhere around (0,0,0)
- In Unity top bar open Tools>Lessons Editor
- In new window "Create New"
- In "Shapes Set" tab you can create new shapes using "Create new Blueprint" button (Cube for instance)
- Some shapes need others to exist. For instance PointOnLine can't exist wihtout line.
- In "Stages Set" tab you can create stages of lesson. At each stage you can activate, deactivate or highlight some shapes
- Don't forget to save lesson with "Save" button at the top of "Lesson Editor" window