
Batteryless saving routines for GBA homebrew

BSD Zero Clause License0BSD


Batteryless saving routines for GBA homebrew.

Saving on the GBA can be quite a pain. This library auto-detects the flash chip of the cartridge, and falls back to SRAM saving for emulator compatibility.

As a user, you will:

  1. Configure the amount of save data you want
  2. Initialize the library at run-time
  3. Copy data from storage to RAM (reading the save)
  4. Copy data from RAM to storage (writing the save)

NOTE: The last 16-bits of the save data will is used by the save routine! This is used to prevent data corruption if the player shuts off the device in the middle of a save.

Flash carts will erase entire sectors at a time, so gvsave uses a backup sector to prevent data loss. The last 16-bits tracks which sector is authoritative.


The gvsave project is designed to be used with the gvasm assembler.

It should work with gvasm 2.3.0+.


The demo shows some diagnostic information, allows you to save/load data, and verifies the data was correctly loaded.

You can compile it via:

gvasm make main.gvasm

Or you can download the ROM directly, here:


How to Use

You will need the files in src/:

  • src/config.gvasm -- configuration
  • src/saveInit.gvasm -- auto-detects the save type
  • src/saveCopy.gvasm -- copies data from/to storage


You will need to provide three pieces of information in src/config.gvasm:


This should be a power of 2, and be at least 4 bytes. The last 2 bytes of the save will be used by gvsave, so you should reserve space for it.

You should probably not go larger than 32KB (0x8000), in order to maximize compatibility with emulators.


This is the location in RAM that the save will transfer from/to.

When you call saveCopy.fromStorage, data will copy from storage to this location in RAM.

When you call saveCopy.toStorage, data from this location in RAM will be transfered to storage.

3. Save data location

You need to provide a location in RAM to store the Save struct. By default, it is stored at the beginning of IWRAM (0x03000000):

.struct Save = 0x03000000

Also notice you can see the meaning behind Save.failCode in this file.

Copying code to IWRAM

The two files src/saveInit.gvasm and src/saveCopy.gvasm should be executed from IWRAM.

They cannot be executed from ROM, or it will interfere with saving to cart.

This is a little complicated, because you will need to copy the code to IWRAM when your program starts.

You will probably have other code that needs to be installed into IWRAM too (for example, sound routines), so this can happen at the same time.

You will see this happen in the demo.


During startup, you should call saveInit:

ldr   r0, =saveInit+1
bl    bx_r0


.begin bx_r0
  bx    r0

Note, you need to add +1 because the routine is written in Thumb.

This will write to Save.failCode, but since it will fallback to SRAM, there isn't really a failure state.

You can detect which type of save was detected via Save.type, where 0 is SRAM, and non-zero is a flash cart.

Loading saved data

In order to load data from storage to RAM, call:

// copy save from storage to EWRAM
ldr   r0, =saveCopy.fromStorage+1
bl    bx_r0

Saving data

In order to save data to storage, call:

// copy save from EWRAM to storage
ldr   r0, =saveCopy.toStorage+1
bl    bx_r0

Note that this will disable interrupts, so you will want to fade out music, pause animations, etc, prior to calling this function.

This can take a couple seconds to finish depending on the cart and size of the save.

It will return a status in r0, where 0 is success, and some other code is a failure. This failure code will also be stored in Save.failCode.