
Simple JavaScript synthesizer using Web Audio

Primary LanguageHTMLBSD Zero Clause License0BSD

Simple JS Synth

Simple JavaScript synthesizer using Web Audio.

Play with the demo.



There are three oscillators which output to a basic attack/decay/sustain envelope, followed by an optional lowpass filter.


There's only one function, SimpleJSSynth, and it creates an AudioNode and connects it to the destination with the given synth options:

// where <type> can be one of: 'sine' | 'square' | 'triangle' | 'sawtooth'
var node = SimpleJSSynth(
  audioContext.destination,  // the destination
    // oscillator 1
    osc1type: <type>,        // type of wave
    osc1vol : 0 to 1,        // oscillator volume (linear)
    osc1tune: 0,             // relative tuning (semitones)

    // oscillator 2
    osc2type: <type>,        // type of wave
    osc2vol : 0 to 1,        // oscillator volume (linear)
    osc2tune: 0,             // relative tuning (semitones)

    // oscillator 3
    osc3type: <type>,        // type of wave
    osc3vol : 0 to 1,        // oscillator volume (linear)
    osc3tune: 0,             // relative tuning (semitones)

    // envelope
    attack  : 0 to inf,      // attack time (seconds)
    decay   : 0 to inf,      // decay time (seconds)
    sustain : 0 to 1         // sustain (fraction of max vol)
    susdecay: 0 to inf,      // decay during sustain (seconds)

    // filter
    cutoff  : 0,             // lowpass cutoff (relative semitones to root)

The returned AudioNode object has a few extra methods for triggering the note:

// start playing the synth at frequency `freq` and volume `vol`
node.noteOn(freq, vol);

// while the synth is playing, bend the note +- `semitones`

// turn the note off

// see if the synth is silent and ready for a new note to play

// stop all sound immediately

// destroy a synth permanently (disconnect and stop all sound)


Look at the source code of the demo. I've tried to keep it well commented.