Deploy logger for performance metrics

This repo contains a Github action that logs performance metrics to Google Stackdiver during a deployment workflow. The metrics are deployment frequency and change lead time.

How it works

It assumes that you are using Github Pull Requests. Use the action during an automated workflow when a pull request is merged. In Stackdriver the logs will have the resource.type set to "global".



Required The access token to use for calling the Github API. The token must have access to read your repository.


Required The number ID of the pull request that was merged. This can easily be retrieved using the github context github.event.number.


Required A service account key to use for posting logs to a GCP repository. The project for which the service account belongs to will be used when posting logs. The service account has to at least have the Log Writer role.


Optional Name of the log in Google Stackdriver. If not provided it will be named projects/[GCP_PROJECT]/logs/python_deployment_logger.

Example Usage

uses: velith/deploy-logger@master
  github_api_key: ${{ secrets.GH_API_KEY }}
  github_pull_number: ${{ github.event.number }}
  gcp_sa_key: ${{ secrets.GCP_SA_KEY }}