
An Insagram bot made with Python and independant from the Instagram API.

Primary LanguagePython


An Insagram bot made with Python and independant from the Instagram API.

The bot can

src/instabot.py > class InstaBot

Method Definition Argument(s)
login login to instagram -
follow follow an user user_id
unfollow unfollow an user user_id
like like a media media_id
unlike unlike a media media_id
comment post a comment (return the comment_id) media_id, text
uncomment delete a comment media_id, comment_id
explore return a list of medias tag
downloadMedia download a media media_shortcode
getUserDetails return a dictionary with the user details username
usernameToUserId return the user_id username
userIdToUsername return the username user_id

src/automod.py > class InstaBotWithAutoMod

Parameter Definition Default value
tags list of tags to explore ("default")
follow_ratio probability to follow a media owner 1
like_ratio probability to like a media 1
comment_ratio probability to coment a media 0.33
average_time_gap average time between each media iteration 30
max_stack_size number of medias to explore at each loop 5
comments list of sub_comment (("Super", "Beautiful", "Great"), ("post", "picture"), ("!", ""))
add_to_unfollow_queue the followed users will be unfollowed True
follow_duration time before unfollowing 600
media_owner_max_followers max followers for follow 500
media_max_likes max likes for like 20
medias_posted_before_time handle only the medias posted before time 300
allow_videos are videos handled False
users_blacklist these users won't be followed ("user0")
users_whitelist these users won't be unfollowed ("user1")
start_at starting time dtime(hour= 7)
end_at ending_time dtime(hour= 22, minute= 30)


  1. Download and install python3+ on your computer
  2. git clone this repo or download as a ZIP and extract
  3. Install dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Warnings !

These are the approximately Instagram limits. Be worry of respecting them or you'll get a bunch of 403 HTTP errors and might get banned !

  • Maximum of 800 follows / unfollows a day (200-300 for a new accounts)
  • Maximum of likes a day = 1.5 * the follow limit
  • Maximum of 250-300 comments a day (100-150 for new accounts)
  • 1-2 seconds between each request