Example Api Version 1.0 01/09/2015

This api is using for translate words. At start api have some test data.

For install api you must use files:

-App/Http/routs.php -App/Controllers/TranslateController.php -App/Translate.php

For use api with default databes architecture you must: -Configure your database in files .env and config/database.php -Add files English_Word, French_Word, Russian_Word, Languages, Translate in folder app/ -For create your database use file database/migration and command 'php artisan migrate' -For create test data use file database/seeds and command 'php artisan db:seed'

If you want to add new languages you must: -Create your new migration called like 'php make:migration create_language_table', but if you want to use seeds you must use command create_language_word_table -Configure migration( add fields ) and use 'php artisan migrate' -Then you must add file with your language to app/ called Language.php, if you use seeds call it Language_Word.php. For example, if you want to add Spanish you must use command create_spanish_table, if you need seeds, use create_spanish_word_table

If you didn use seeds call all your tables by Language name, but if you use seeds you must call it Language__Word, like Spanish__Word with two '_'

Then add your data to tables, (language) and (translations)

e-mail: valentinemurnik@gmail.com