
A javascript task runner

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A javascript task runner, build on grunt, make everthing just work as expected


sudo npm install grunt-fry -g


fry < option >

supported options:

new < project_name > Start a new project

build Compile & compress source code to dist directory

clean Clean dist directory

watch Watch source file, compile & compress changed file to dist directory in real time

help Help info

jshint, concat, copy, cssmin, less, uglify

Structure Rule

-- src                                       -- dist
  |----- css        concat, compress           |------ css
  |----- less       compile, concat, compress  |
  |----- img        compress                   |------ img
  |----- js         concat, compress           |------ js
  |----- views      compress                   |------ views

-- less
  | ---- *.less                                | ---- *.less.min.css
  | ---- global/*                              |
  | ---- global.less                           | ---- global.less.min.css        

  | ---- sub                                   |
          | ---- *.less                       | ---- *.less.min.css
          | ---- detail/*                      | 
          | ---- detail.less                   | ---- sub/detail.less.min.css
          | ---- list/*                        | 
          | ---- list.less                     | ---- sub/list.less.min.css

-- js ( css )
  | ---- *.js                                  | ---- *.min.js
  | ---- global/*.js                           | ---- global.min.js

  | ---- sub               
          | ---- *.js                          | ---- sub/*.min.js
          | ---- detail/*.js                   | ---- sub/detail.min.js


engine/config/files Custom source-destnation map

engine/config/cmd Custom command integration

engine/config/npmtasks Registe Custom installed grunt plugin

engine/config/app Custom npm tasks config

engine/tasks/* Write your grunt tasks

Extend Fry

Grunt-fry support install external grunt plugin, It makes grunt-fry pretty flexible.

Extend Fry with grunt-contrib-imagemin example:

  1. Install plugin in project_folder, npm install grunt-contrib-imagemin

  2. Add imagemin-rule to engine/config/app

  3. Add image folder to engine/config/files

  4. Registe ' grunt-contrib-imagemin ' to engine/config/npmtasks

Done, the new command fry imagemin was created.
