
This is an AHK (converted to .exe) script that tracks my accrued rake when playing poker tournaments. The script reads window titles and adds the proper rake based on title matching. The script then creates a CSV and sends it to the file for tracking/graphing.

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey

Calculate accrued rake

This AutoHotKey application calculates the accrued rake over a poker session on PokerStars.

The script needs to be run as ".exe" due to PS TOS against AHK. This application is not against TOS, but is built using AHK which could be used to script many "botting" programs.

The application detects tournament windows by their buyin and adds the appropriate accrued rake. On "submit", the rake amount and the current date are added to an Excel ".csv" file, where it can be graphed and studied.

This application was made to assist me with motivation to play large amounts of tournaments each day, and helped to break up the monotony of play on some days.

This is an ongoing WIP.