
Sugar makes Velodrome devs life sweeter 🍭

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Velodrome Sugar 🍭

Sugar comes with contracts to help working with Velodrome Finance data!

How come?!

The idea is pretty simple, instead of relying on our API for a structured data set of liquidity pool data, these contracts can be called in an efficient way to directly fetch the same data off-chain.

What normally would require:

  1. fetching the number of liquidity pools
  2. querying every pool address at it's index
  3. querying pool tokens data
  4. querying gauge addresses and reward rate

Takes a single call with sugar!

More importantly, the response can be paginated.

Main goals of this little project are:

  • to maximize the developers UX of working with our protocol
  • simplify complexity
  • document and test everything

But how?

On-chain data is organized for transaction cost and efficiency. We think we can hide a lot of the complexity by leveraging structs to present the data and normalize it based on it's relevancy.


Below is the list of datasets we support.

Liquidity Pools Data

LpSugar.vy is deployed at 0x6A4a8e26D9bA37515F331de7fbA2c6852f55128E

It allows fetching on-chain pools data. The returned data/struct of type Lp values represent:

  • lp - pool contract address
  • symbol - pool symbol
  • decimals - pool decimals
  • stable - pool type (stable = false, means it's a variable type of pool)
  • total_supply - pool tokens supply
  • token0 - pool 1st token address
  • reserve0 - pool 1st token reserves (nr. of tokens in the contract)
  • claimable0 - claimable 1st token from fees (for unstaked positions)
  • token1 - pool 2nd token address
  • reserve1 - pool 2nd token reserves (nr. of tokens in the contract)
  • claimable1 - claimable 2nd token from fees (for unstaked positions)
  • gauge - pool gauge address
  • gauge_total_supply - pool staked tokens (less/eq than/to pool total supply)
  • gauge_alive - indicates if the gauge is still active
  • fee - pool gauge fees contract address
  • bribe - pool gauge bribes contract address
  • factory - pool factory address
  • emissions - pool emissions (per second)
  • emissions_token - pool emissions token address
  • account_balance - account Lp tokens balance
  • account_earned - account earned emissions for this pool
  • account_staked - account pool staked in gauge balance
  • pool_fee - pool swap fee (percentage)
  • token0_fees - current epoch token0 accrued fees (next week gauge fees)
  • token1_fees - current epoch token1 accrued fees (next week gauge fees)

The available methods are:

  • all(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256, _account: address) -> Lp[] - returns a paginated list of Lp structs.
  • byIndex(_index: uint256, _account: address) -> Lp - returns the Lp data for a specific index of a pool.

For the pool epoch data we return, starting with most recent epoch, a struct of type LpEpoch with the following values:

  • ts - the start of the epoch/week timestamp
  • lp - the pool address
  • votes - the amount of the votes for that epoch/week
  • emissions - emissions per second for that epoch/week
  • bribes - a list of bribes data, it is a struct of type LpEpochBribe with the following values:
    • token - bribe token address
    • amount - bribe amount
  • fees - a list of fees data, it is a struct of type LpEpochBribe, just like the bribes list

To fetch a list of epochs for a specific pool, this method is available:

  • epochsByAddress(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256, _address: address) -> LpEpoch[]

To fetch a list of latest epochs data for a every pool, this method is available:

  • epochsLatest(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256) -> LpEpoch[]

The pools token list (compiled from all the pools token0/token1) uses the type Token with the following values:

  • token_address - the token address
  • symbol - the token symbol
  • decimals - the token decimals
  • account_balance - the provided account/wallet balance
  • listed - indicates if the token was listed for gauge voting rewards

To fetch the token list this method is available:

  • tokens(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256, _account: address, _oracle: address, _oracle_connectors: address[]) -> Token[]

For the rewards, we return a struct of type Reward with the following values:

  • venft_id - the veNFT id it belongs to
  • lp - the pool address representing the source of the reward
  • amount - the amount of the tokens accrued
  • token - the reward token address
  • fee - the fee contract address (if the reward comes from fees)
  • bribe - the bribe contract address (if the reward comes from bribes)

To fetch a list of rewards for a specific veNFT, this method is available:

  • rewards(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256, _venft_id: uint256) -> Reward[]
  • rewardsByAddress(_venft_id: uint256, _pool: address) -> Reward[]

Vote-Escrow Locked NFT (veNFT) Data

VeSugar.vy is deployed at 0x37403dBd6f1b583ea244F7956fF9e37EF45c63eB

It allows fetching on-chain veNFT data (including the rewards accrued). The returned data/struct of type VeNFT values represent:

  • id - veNFT token ID
  • account - veNFT token account address
  • decimals - veNFT token decimals
  • amount - veNFT locked amount
  • voting_amount - veNFT voting power
  • governance_amount - veNFT voting power in governance
  • rebase_amount - veNFT accrued reabses amount
  • expires_at - veNFT lock expiration timestamp
  • voted_at - veNFT last vote timestamp
  • votes - veNFT list of pools with vote weights casted in the form of LpVotes
  • token - veNFT locked token address
  • permanent - veNFT permanent lock enabled flag
  • delegate_id - token ID of the veNFT being delegated to

The pool votes struct values represent:

  • lp - the pool address
  • weight - the vote weights of the vote for the pool

The available methods are:

  • all(_limit: uint256, _offset: uint256) -> VeNFT[] - returns a paginated list of veNFT structs.
  • byAccount(_account: address) -> VeNFT[] - returns a list of VeNFT structs for a specific account.
  • byId(_id: uint256) -> VeNFT - returns the VeNFT struct for a specific NFT id.

Relay Data

RelaySugar.vy is deployed at 0x062185EEF2726EFc11880856CD356FA2Ac2B38Ff

It allows fetching Relay autocompounder/autoconverter data. The returned data/struct of type Relay values represent:

  • venft_id - token ID of the Relay veNFT
  • decimals - Relay veNFT token decimals
  • amount - Relay veNFT locked amount
  • voting_amount - Relay veNFT voting power
  • used_voting_amount - Relay veNFT voting power used for last vote
  • voted_at - Relay veNFT last vote timestamp
  • votes - Relay veNFT list of pools with vote weights casted in the form of LpVotes
  • token - token address the Relay is compounding into
  • compounded - amount of tokens compounded into in the recent epoch
  • run_at - timestamp of last compounding
  • manager - Relay manager
  • relay - Relay address
  • inactive - Relay active/inactive status
  • name - Relay name
  • account_venfts - List of veNFTs deposited into this Relay by the account in the form of ManagedVenft

The managed veNFT deposit struct values represent:

  • id - the token ID of the veNFT
  • amount - the weight of the veNFT
  • earned - earned emissions of the veNFT

The available methods are:

  • all(_account: address) -> Relay[] - returns a list of all Relay structs.


To setup the environment, build the Docker image first:

docker build ./ -t velodrome/sugar

Next start the container with existing environment variables:

docker run --env-file=env.example --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app -it velodrome/sugar sh

The environment has Brownie and Vyper already installed.

To run the tests inside the container, use:

brownie test --network=optimism-test

Why the contracts are not verified?

Sugar is written in Vyper, and Optimistic Etherscan fails at times to generate the same bytecode (probably because of the hardcoded evm_version).

How to generate the constructor arguments for verification?

Consider using the web tool at https://abi.hashex.org to build the arguments and provide the generated value as part of the Etherscan verification form.