- AkiaCode@harmonyland @kafumoe
- BasixKOR@toss
- CO0Ki3마이다스인
- CoodingPenguin@kakao
- daunJung-dev@vendit-dev
- Dellil@boba-print
- devmmin
- easylogic@summernote @easylogic @elf-framework
- gaeulbyulInternet
- gyutae100
- heozeop
- hyesungoh@moyo-company
- Hyunja27
- JaeSeoKim@healingpaper-solution
- Jay-WKJunSeoul, korea
- JHSeo-gitRepublic of Korea
- jiyong1@laftel-team
- jjunnnysRepublic of Korea, Seoul
- joseph-106Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
- JuhwanLeeKRSeoul, Republic of Korea
- junghyeonsu@daangn
- k-lpmg@groo-Inc
- kooku0@daangn @karrotpay
- Kyun2da@tossinvest
- lifeisegg123
- moreal@planetarium
- ParkAwardDeokso
- pocojang@woowacourse
- saseungminLevit @DNDACADEMY @sipe-team @mbti-nf-team
- slo0eyHome
- tolluset@classmethod
- uk960214Seoul, South Korea
- usageness@catchtable
- with-keyatnp
- XiNiHa@portone-io
- yujo11@woowabros