42 Moonlight - Side Projects Galore!

What is 42 Moonlight?

A community for 42 students to talk about, contribute to, and support one other building side projects.

Why Build 42 Moonlight?

It is difficult to build and sustain side projects.

42 Moonlight aims to provide a community for support while working on their personal and communal projects.

Goal for project

The goal is to have participants shipping products on a regular basis.

Working together, building together, shipping together.


Having a community for this purpose will increase:

  • The probability of participants shipping their projects.
  • The abilities of participants to present their projects.

Structure and documentation

TODO -- documentation and structure guidelines

Ask an active member for rights on this repo, contribute what you can.


Special Thanks to all-hack for setting this up!

TODO -- List of active members, links to presentations.