
This is a CLI tool to check a csv of email addresses and user names in https://haveibeenpwned.com

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

HaveIBeenPwned CLI Checker

Software License Build Status SensioLabs Insight StyleCI

This is a CLI tool to check a csv of email addresses and usernames in https://haveibeenpwned.com


  • PHP >=5.6
  • Composer


Clone the repository and run composer install


Get a list of e-mails from somewhere, check example.csv for the correct format. In my case, I exported a list of e-mails from 1Password.

$ php console.php example.csv
| Account             | Breached | Breach Date | Company                                 |
| example@example.com | Yes      | 2015-03-01  | 000webhost (000webhost.com)             |
|                     |          | 2013-10-04  | Adobe (adobe.com)                       |
|                     |          | 2014-06-13  | ...                                     |
| test@example.com    | Yes      | 2015-03-01  | 000webhost (000webhost.com)             |
|                     |          | 2013-10-04  | Adobe (adobe.com)                       |
|                     |          | 2010-12-11  | ...                                     |
| nonexstingaccount   | No       |             | ...                                     |