Logrus is a library for formatting the output of a standard logging system in a python. Modifies the log records, making them simulating Logrus golang library.
LogrusFormatter can be installed from PyPi:
pip install logrusformatter
import sys
import logging
from logrusformatter import LogrusFormatter
# Init formatter
fmt_string = "%(levelname)s %(message)-20s %(filename)s %(lineno)s %(datetime)s"
fmtr = LogrusFormatter(colorize=True, fmt=fmt_string)
# Create logger
logger = logging.getLogger('example')
# Add handler
hdlr = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
# Example logging
logger.debug("debug message")
logger.info("info message")
logger.warning("warning message")
logger.error("error message")
logger.critical("critical message")
In result nicely color-coded output:
You can run the tests by invoking
python -m unittest discover ./tests
in the repository root.