
Java Experimental Simulated Stock Exchange

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Java Experimental Simulated Stock Exchange

Main goal

JessX Project's main goal is to create a program allowing for the simulation of a financial market with realistic features (such as an order book and realistic orders). Researchers and teachers in Finance may find it helpful in their works. It is, ceteris-paribus, inspired by the Euronext- NYSE microstructure (order-driven, continuous).

This project origially appeared on http://jessx.net/ but maybe for lack of interest disappeared.. I bring it to life again with sources of the latest 1.6 version

The original website can be read on Internet Archive at https://web.archive.org/web/20160311192613/http://jessx.net/

Quick Start

  1. Start the server
  2. On the server load the file SimBulSpec.xml a) Host an Experiment b) Join the Bots
  3. Start the client a) Login with no password on localhost
  4. On the server start the session
  5. On the client presso OK when you are ready
  6. Enjoy