
A program to melt your screen

Primary LanguageC


version: 0.0.1

description: A program to melt your screen

website: https://veltzer.github.io/xmeltdown



When I was back in the UNI I used to move people away from machine by running xmeltdown on their machines. The user is happily working on his machine and suddenly the whole screen seems to melt. All you need to run this is X access to his screen (xhost + on his side). Some systems are configured (stupidly) that way so we can play our little tricks on them. Cut to some years later and I wanted to run this xmeltdown again. I searched for some RPM or source package but to no avail. I stumbled across a set of old source on some http server in MIT and rescued them from obscurity. A lot of compilation fixes and some cleanups and bug fixes went into this and you can happily run xmeltdown again. Copyright of most of the stuff still belongs to the original authors. Free source never dies.


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Mark Veltzer, Copyright © 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024