- 2
Healer pvp trinket cooldown incorrect
#107 opened by alexandersoto - 1
Preset Text Tags Reappear After Deletion
#110 opened by PS1TD - 0
Player's spec icon showing between matches
#109 opened by alexandersoto - 0
Only shows 2v2 frames when < 6 players load
#108 opened by alexandersoto - 1
DRList multiple categories
#88 opened by vendethiel - 5
11.0.2 Lua Errors
#102 opened by JeeveStobs - 2
I can't seem to get GladiusEx working on TWW beta, is there something I need to do?
#101 opened by Slo-reddit - 4
11.0 Lua errors
#98 opened by JeeveStobs - 9
Addon support
#90 opened by HojNotFound - 2
10.2.7 Lua errors
#87 opened by JeeveStobs - 6
Lua error: GladiusEx/libs/LibCooldownTracker-1.0/library.lua:274: attempt to index local 'spelldata' (a number value)
#85 opened by JeeveStobs - 2
Couple of Lua errors in Solo Shuffle
#86 opened by JH0Ni-github - 7
Arena frames are not showing
#84 opened by taras-koval - 2
Make party frames clickable ( to target ) and mouseover compatible like blizzards party frames.
#81 opened by wwdes - 2
Default arena frames not hiding
#60 opened by hasnogaems - 5
Party frame HP color problems in solo shuff
#80 opened by wwdes - 0
- 0
Is it possible to add combat indicator ?
#77 opened by kilcam - 0
Addon crash due to [spec] tag in TargetBar
#76 opened by denis-atsuta - 3
Missing CC spell ID
#75 opened by Bodify - 3
- 3
#70 opened by Flamanis - 1
Out of date LibRangeCheck.
#68 opened by Flamanis - 1
- 1
Custom tags using UI escape sequences
#67 opened by thetobber - 1
Default evoker cds
#58 opened by vendethiel - 7
- 2
Auras Buffs [Show only dispellable] don't work.
#64 opened by pmbednarczyk - 0
GladiusEx doesn't display Prevoker/Dev Evoker Talents in cooldown tracking, only baseline spells.
#63 opened by Tenoke - 0
Text Tags for Evokers missing
#61 opened by pikiello - 1
- 0
Class Icon Crop Border setting.
#59 opened by Bodify - 1
cant seem to set the profile by internal command
#56 opened by rmtaft - 2
Game Version is 1.0.0
#50 opened by FrankMcGovern - 0
Blizz raid frames-style debuff filtering
#54 opened by vendethiel - 0
- 2
Update for 10.0 to fix LUA errors
#49 opened by finnsnape - 0
Will of the forsaken breaks trinket cd timer
#48 opened by SdwStorm - 18
Update for 9.2?
#44 opened by Bodify - 2
- 8
Shadowy Duel breaks DR tracker. Possible fix?
#47 opened by Bodify - 0
A few missing auras to add to the aura list.
#46 opened by Bodify - 1
[BC Classic] Lua errors on release 2.1
#45 opened by boktai1000 - 1
- 0
- 1
- 2
Game is crashing after update
#38 opened by web-deved - 0
#39 opened by vendethiel - 2
Looking to contribute to TBC
#36 opened by topkek-addons - 1