
netcat.py - python (2+3) netcat

Primary LanguagePython

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File        : README.md
Maintainer  : Felix C. Stegerman <flx@obfusk.net>
Date        : 2015-09-12

Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2015  Felix C. Stegerman
Version     : v0.1.0

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netcat.py - python (2+3) netcat

See netcat.py for the code (with examples).


$ ./netcat.py -l -p 8888      # server
hi client!                    # typed on stdin
hi server!                    # from client
^C                            # bye
$ ./netcat.py localhost 8888  # client
hi client!                    # from server
hi server!                    # typed on stdin


  • find a way to receive ICMP port unreachable etc. so we know when a UDP socket is not connected?
  • prevent idle waiting (only seems to occur with "fake" I/O where select doesn't actually block)?


GPLv3+ [1].


[1] GNU General Public License, version 3 --- https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

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