
Facebook prototype in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Facebook prototype in Swift

Submitted by: Michelle Venetucci Harvey

Time spent: 14 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required and optional functionality is complete:

  • Tapping on a photo in the news feed should expand the photo full screen.
  • Tapping the Done button should animate the photo back into its position in the news feed.
  • On scroll of the full screen photo, the background should start to become transparent, revealing the feed.
  • If the user scrolls a large amount and releases, the full screen photo should dismiss.
  • Optional: The full screen photo should be zoomable.
  • Optional: The user should be able to page through the other photos in full screen mode.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of all implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.


I had the zoom working before I implemented the image paging in full screen mode - now it's sort of working, but messes with the scroll offset.

I was getting an error when trying to downcast the NewsFeedViewController in the ImageTransition file, since it's nested in a navigation controller and a tab bar controller, so I set the values in the news feed and assigned the properties as global variables in the imageTransition file. This makes it easier to re-use the ImageTransition for other view controllers in the future.


Copyright 2016 Michelle Venetucci Harvey

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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