
Mailbox prototype in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Mailbox prototype in Swift

Submitted by: Michelle Venetucci Harvey

Time spent: 12 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required and optional functionality is complete:

  • On dragging the message left...
    • Initially, the revealed background color should be gray.
    • As the reschedule icon is revealed, it should start semi-transparent and become fully opaque. If released at this point, the message should return to its initial position.
    • After 60 pts, the later icon should start moving with the translation and the background should change to yellow.
      • Upon release, the message should continue to reveal the yellow background. When the animation it complete, it should show the reschedule options.
    • After 260 pts, the icon should change to the list icon and the background color should change to brown.
      • Upon release, the message should continue to reveal the brown background. When the animation it complete, it should show the list options.
  • User can tap to dismissing the reschedule or list options. After the reschedule or list options are dismissed, you should see the message finish the hide animation.
  • On dragging the message right...
    • Initially, the revealed background color should be gray.
    • As the archive icon is revealed, it should start semi-transparent and become fully opaque. If released at this point, the message should return to its initial position.
    • After 60 pts, the archive icon should start moving with the translation and the background should change to green.
      • Upon release, the message should continue to reveal the green background. When the animation it complete, it should hide the message.
    • After 260 pts, the icon should change to the delete icon and the background color should change to red.
      • Upon release, the message should continue to reveal the red background. When the animation it complete, it should hide the message.
  • Optional: Panning from the edge should reveal the menu
    • Optional: If the menu is being revealed when the user lifts their finger, it should continue revealing.
    • Optional: If the menu is being hidden when the user lifts their finger, it should continue hiding.
  • Optional: Tapping on compose should animate to reveal the compose view.
  • Optional: Tapping the segmented control in the title should swipe views in from the left or right.
  • Optional: Shake to undo.

Video Walkthrough

Here's a walkthrough of all implemented user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.



Copyright 2016 Michelle Venetucci Harvey

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