$ npm run build
runs Webpack in production mode, which minimizes the bundle file automatically$ npm run dev
runs Webpack in watch mode.
phase 1
- complete Entry component
- complete HabitForm component
- complete HabitLabelRow component
- complete HabitList component
- complete HabitDetails component
- switch from using
to usingspans
- complete table drop down on click animation
- add delete path
- fix delete path to not have to use habit.id.id (change object being passed in)
- add edit button functionality
- change form habit type to radio button from text area
- add monthly view
- add yearly view
- add infinite scroll box
phase 2
- switch from Sinatra/ActiveRecord to rails
- switch to rails foundation
- add in 'skip' capability
- write tests
- create user log in
future phases
- add styling
current issues:
- issues in AJAX success for handleOpenTab: not allowing me to string interpolate (tab) might have to just do a large logic block with separate AJAX calls for different tabs
gems that I'm not sure how to add to Gemfile yet..
- npm react-tap-event-plugin
- npm material-ui
- npm React-Wysiwyg