To-Do-List web app with nodejs and mongoDB
Live demo: To-Do-List
Type /something after the url to create a personalized list
- Install NODE JS using the link
- Then Install MongoDB using the link
- Any Editor (Preferably VS Code or Brackets Text Editor)
- Any web browser with the latest version(eg chrome)
- Node js
- Express is
- EJS(view engine)
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Download and install Node js and MongoDB in your machine
- Clone or download the repository
- Extract all the files
- After Extracting the downloaded file name the folder as Todolist, open Terminal on the Todolist folder where the folder is placed on your system and use the command npm install or npm i to install all the modules that are used for the project.
- After installing all the modules (express,EJS,nodemon,body-parser) then open a new terminal and run the mongod command to start the mongodb server and then open other terminal to run the mongo shell using the command mongo as a client to work with the database
- Then use the command node app.js or nodemon to run or start the server.
- Open your web browser and type 'localhost:3000'
- Hurray! That's it!