This is a Repo on Kubernetes Administrator Session

Install Kubectl locally

Running an App on Kubernetes

  • List Nodes in K8s cluster
kubectl get nodes 
  • Deploy the application defined in pod.yml

kubectl apply -f pod.yml
kubectl describe pod first-pod # get detailed info about running pod

kubectl apply -f svc-cloud.yml # Deploy the service 

kubectl get svc # Check external IP of the service

kubectl delete pod first-pod

kubectl delete svc cloud-lb

kubectl delete pods --all

kubectl apply -f deploy.yml

kubectl get deployment catgif

kubectl delete deployment catgif

kubectl delete svc cloud-lb

kubectl get pods -o wide

kubectl get pods -o yaml

kubectl describe pods first-pod

kubectl logs first-pod

kubectl logs firstpod --container first_container # incase of Multi container

kubectl exec first-pod -- ps
kubectl exec -it first-pod -- sh
apk add curl
curl localhost:5000

init pod demo

kubectl apply -f initpod.yml

kubectl get pods --watch

Short Names

Short name Full name
csr certificatesigningrequests
cs componentstatuses
cm configmaps
ds daemonsets
deploy deployments
ep endpoints
ev events
hpa horizontalpodautoscalers
ing ingresses
limits limitranges
ns namespaces
no nodes
pvc persistentvolumeclaims
pv persistentvolumes
po pods
pdb poddisruptionbudgets
psp podsecuritypolicies
rs replicasets
rc replicationcontrollers
quota resourcequotas
sa serviceaccounts
svc services