
A cookiecutter project that builds the basic Rimworld mod development file structure and build environment.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A cookiecutter project that builds the basic Rimworld mod development file structure and sets up a sane build environment.

Table of Contents


Windows Command Prompt

Required Programs
Usage (inside Rimworld/Mods folder)
  1. cookiecutter gh:feldoh/cookiecutter-rimworld-mod-development
  2. [Answer the prompts]
    1. Note that when it asks you _visual_studio you must respond {}
  3. Open the folder you just created and double-click the ModName.sln file
  4. In the Solution Explorer view on the right, right click RimWorldWin and click Set as Startup Project

Microsoft Visual Studio Integration

Required Programs
Install (if no File -> New -> From Cookiecutter... option is available)
  1. Open up VS Installer (In Visual Studio -> Tools -> Gets Tools and Features)
  2. Click Modify
  3. Click Individual Components
  4. Scroll to Development activities
  5. Click the Cookiecutter template support checkbox
  6. Click Modify
  1. Open Visual Studio
  2. File -> New -> From Cookiecutter...
  3. Search for rimworld
  4. Double-click feldoh/cookiecutter-rimworld-mod-development
  5. Change the Template Options:
    • Create To => [...]/RimWorld/Mods
    • Mod name
    • Author (Use your Steam username for automatic linking of mod to profile) (can change later in About-Release.xml)
    • Mod Description (not required, can change later in About-Release.xml)
    • A few more options are available
  6. Create and Open Project

Basic Features

Folder Structure

This cookiecutter builds the entire standard mod folder structure, with empty folders as the default. namespace_name is automatically calculated.

  • {{cookiecutter.mod_name}}
    • About
      • About-Debug.xml
      • About-Release.xml
      • Preview.png
    • Assemblies
    • Defs
    • Languages
    • Patches
    • Sounds
    • Source
      • Properties
        • AssemblyInfo.cs
      • namespace_name.cs
      • namespace_name.csproj
    • Textures
    • namespace_name.sln

VS Setup Automation

  • Links Rimworld and UnityEngine .dlls for importing in code
  • Sets build events to automate file management of About-$Version.xml for tagging development versions.
  • Clears the default set trace constant
  • Creates a VS solution with correctly defined paths
  • Clicking Start ▶️ will preform the designated build sequence and start Rimworld.exe tied to a Visual Studio resource monitor.

Advanced Features

Debug/Release Versioning

This cookiecutter setup takes full advantage of VS debug/release versions

  • Debug mode
    • About-Debug.xml contains instructions on editing About-Release.xml and has a separate title for easy recognition from the Release version
    • Building creates an About.xml from About-Debug.xml with a "- Dev Build" tag to be easily distinguishable in the mod list
    • The resulting .dll is placed in "{{cookiecutter.mod_name}}/Assemblies"
  • Release mode
    • About-Release.xml is copied to "{{cookiecutter.mod_name}} - Release/About/About.xml" and does not include the "- Dev Mode" tag in its title
    • Building creates or updates the Release version of the mod. Solely the essential files are copied into a separate Release mod folder for a clean version of the mod

Optional Debug Save Profile

Accident Forgiveness

  • Edits in either generated temporary About.xml file (release or debug) won't get overwritten as long as the About-$Version.xml file it was copied from is not updated
  • Items edited in the Release directory will not be overwritten with older data from the Debug/Dev directory


The imported project "C:\Program Files (x86)...\Microsoft.CSharp.Core.targets" was not found

If you're not using Visual Studio you may need to tell the project where your MS Build actually is.

  • You can download MSBuild from Microsoft
  • It will already be in your Rider directory and can be found under File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Toolset and Build -> MSBuild Version

Cannot Resolve Symbol HarmonyLib (using HarmonyLib is red)

Run dotnet restore on the .csproj file for your code then try re-doing the nuget restore.