
The goal of this agent is to identify mixers, bridges, exchanges generically, such that any funding and money laundering activities from those protocols can be flagged.

Primary LanguagePython

Funding Laundering Detector


  • 1.3.1 (19.03.2023):
    • Alpine changed to Ubuntu
    • Avalanche chain added
  • 1.3.0 (19.03.2023):
    • Added labels
  • 1.2.0 (19.03.2023):
    • Added anomaly score
  • 1.1.0 (13.12.2022):
    • Added support for internal txs on Ethereum
    • Many minor improvements and fixes since version 1.0.0
  • 1.0.0 (03.12.2022):
    • For newly created accounts new finding type was introduced - FLD_NEW_FUNDING. It has Critical severity if account was funded using bridge / mixer / unknown source and High severity if it was funded using dex or cex.
    • newly_created field removed from metadata in FLD_FUNDING
    • Info severity was added to the FLD_FUNDING and FLD_LAUNDERING, it's upper threshold is controlled by LAUNDERING_LOW and FUNDING_LOW in config.py. The alerts with Info severity are disabled by default but can be enabled in the config using INFO_ALERTS
    • Default config values updated in the next fields:
      • TRANSFER_THRESHOLD_IN_USD = 20 # Bot doesn't emit alerts if value in usd is below this
      • FUNDING_CRITICAL = 10000000 # Critical th for funding
      • FUNDING_HIGH = 1000000 # High th for funding
      • FUNDING_MEDIUM = 100000 # Medium th for funding
      • FUNDING_LOW = 10000 # Low th for funding
      • LAUNDERING_CRITICAL = 10000000 # Critical th for laundering
      • LAUNDERING_HIGH = 1000000 # High th for laundering
      • LAUNDERING_MEDIUM = 100000 # Medium th for laundering
      • LAUNDERING_LOW = 10000 # Low th for laundering
      • DEX_DISABLE = False # Disables DEX-related alerts
    • Tests adjusted.
  • 0.1.0 (01.12.2022):
    • check if account is newly created now using function from web3 library instead of the explorer parsing.


The goal of this agent is to identify mixers, bridges, exchanges generically, such that any funding and money laundering activities from those protocols can be flagged. The bot analyzes each transaction and remembers the transfers of the native coin of the network or the ERC20 token. In the case of a large number of transfers, the address is recorded by the bot in the list of suspects, whether it is analyzed as a smart contract or EOA, and information about it is parsed from Internet resources (currently from one of the 6 network explorers on which the bot works). Based on the information received, the bot decides whether the address is a mixer, exchanger, dex or a bridge. Although this method works very well at the moment, it would be worthwhile to translate or improve the classification using machine learning in the future. Having addresses of bridges, exchangers and mixers, the bot monitors transfers of funds to these addresses (network native tokens and ERC20) and creates an alert if the amount in USD equivalent is more than the threshold specified in the settings. The type of alert depends on whether funds are being received or withdrawn from the exchanger. In each case, we try to determine whether the suspicious address is new or not. To do this, the bot parses the explorer of the corresponding network in the place that contains data on the number of transactions of this address, and if this number is less than the threshold specified in the settings, the address is considered new.

⚠️ To enable DEX-related alerts please change DEX_DISABLE to False in src/config.py.

⚠️ To enable INFO alerts please change INFO_ALERTS to True in src/config.py.


  • Internal txs supported
  • Fully asynchronous local database to save the addresses in case of crash
  • Bot is stable after the sudden restart
  • 6 networks supported
  • EOA detection
  • high-precision type detection
  • USD value of each transaction (native and ERC20)


  • Ethereum
  • Polygon
  • Fantom
  • BSC
  • Optimism
  • Arbitrum


You can specify your own settings in the src/config.py:



    • Fired when the account was funded by cex / dex / bridge / mixer'
    • Severity:
      • Critical - EOA is newly created or transfer in USD > Critical threshold
      • High - transfer in USD > High threshold
      • Medium - transfer in USD > Medium threshold
      • Low - transfer in USD < Medium threshold
      • Info - transfer in USD < Low threshold (disabled by default)
    • Type is "Suspicious" if Severity is not "Info" else it is also "Info"
    • Metadata contains:
      • funded_address - funded address
      • source_address - address of cex / dex / bridge / mixer
      • source_type - centralized exchange / dex / bridge / mixer
      • usd_volume - transfer amount in USD
      • tx_hash - the hash of the transaction

    • Fired when the newly created account was funded by cex / dex / bridge / mixer'
    • Severity:
      • Critical - account was funded using bridge / mixer / unknown
      • High - account was funded using cex / dex
    • Type is always set to "Suspicious"
    • Metadata contains:
      • funded_address - funded address
      • source_address - address of cex / dex / bridge / mixer
      • source_type - centralized exchange / dex / bridge / mixer
      • usd_volume - transfer amount in USD
      • tx_hash - the hash of the transaction
  • FLD_Laundering

    • Fired when the huge amount of assets in USD was transferred to cex / dex / bridge / mixer'
    • Severity:
      • Critical - transfer in USD > Critical threshold
      • High - transfer in USD > High threshold
      • Medium - transfer in USD > Medium threshold
      • Low - transfer in USD < Medium threshold
      • Info - transfer in USD < Low threshold (disabled by default)
    • Type is "Suspicious" if Severity is not "Info" else it is also "Info"
    • Metadata contains:
      • laundering_address - EOA address
      • newly_created - is EOA newly created or not
      • target_address - address of cex / dex / bridge / mixer
      • source_type - centralized exchange / dex / bridge / mixer
      • usd_volume - transfer amount in USD
      • tx_hash - the hash of the transaction


Tests and test data use database preset test/database_presets/test_14442765-14489802.db that contains real collected data. It should be moved to ./test.db e.g.

cp ./database_presets/main.db ./main.db

There are 17 tests that should pass:


Test Data

(Could be outdated) Example of the alert:

1 findings for transaction 0x5e37371ddeb4f249fcae38ff0cfebc022467c04df5e5586fdf52536a013b719a {
  "name": "Laundering Alert",
  "description": "0x8bd9880db6ed9c140669731cb9bfd27caafd9649 is engaged in money laundering behavior using exchange 0x8bd9880db6ed9c140669731cb9bfd27caafd9649",
  "alertId": "FLD_Laundering",
  "protocol": "ethereum",
  "severity": "High",
  "type": "Suspicious",
  "metadata": {
    "laundering_address": "0x8bd9880db6ed9c140669731cb9bfd27caafd9649",
    "newly_created": false,
    "target_address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
    "target_type": "exchange",
    "usd_volume": 97693.99334193398,
    "token": "USDC",
    "tx_hash": "0x5e37371ddeb4f249fcae38ff0cfebc022467c04df5e5586fdf52536a013b719a"
  "addresses": []

1 findings for transaction 0xb8fae9fb9ed036e3ab08051323465ca6e2f110adaf1ccb7b56aab885d889f74d {
  "name": "Funding Alert",
  "description": "0x10ff52ca0559f50471db4fd42a10df2e987252e1 was funded using exchange 0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
  "alertId": "FLD_FUNDING",
  "protocol": "ethereum",
  "severity": "High",
  "type": "Suspicious",
  "metadata": {
    "funded_address": "0x10ff52ca0559f50471db4fd42a10df2e987252e1",
    "newly_created": false,
    "source_address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
    "source_type": "exchange",
    "usd_volume": 6378.5421323,
    "token": "AAVE",
    "tx_hash": "0xb8fae9fb9ed036e3ab08051323465ca6e2f110adaf1ccb7b56aab885d889f74d"
  "addresses": []

1 findings for transaction 0x8ef58e6aeca4eed871fe9725441e21071b40dd040f88ca110240d265d68a981e {
  "name": "Laundering Alert",
  "description": "0xf033bce292bcaaf998ca13755104a4b23c04af5c is engaged in money laundering behavior using exchange 0xf033bce292bcaaf998ca13755104a4b23c04af5c",
  "alertId": "FLD_Laundering",
  "protocol": "ethereum",
  "severity": "Critical",
  "type": "Suspicious",
  "metadata": {
    "laundering_address": "0xf033bce292bcaaf998ca13755104a4b23c04af5c",
    "newly_created": false,
    "target_address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
    "target_type": "exchange",
    "usd_volume": 2013999.9999999998,
    "token": "USDT",
    "tx_hash": "0x8ef58e6aeca4eed871fe9725441e21071b40dd040f88ca110240d265d68a981e"
  "addresses": []

1 findings for transaction 0x5d1560c856df18d7a139cd6d12e743252d19f7926742d8bca27a468f7e8c81b4 {
  "name": "Funding Alert",
  "description": "0xf7c005851f532d0a55270330e27398ee0b04537c was funded using exchange 0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
  "alertId": "FLD_FUNDING",
  "protocol": "ethereum",
  "severity": "Critical",
  "type": "Suspicious",
  "metadata": {
    "funded_address": "0xf7c005851f532d0a55270330e27398ee0b04537c",
    "newly_created": true,
    "source_address": "0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60",
    "source_type": "exchange",
    "usd_volume": 389.899636,
    "token": "MANA",
    "tx_hash": "0x5d1560c856df18d7a139cd6d12e743252d19f7926742d8bca27a468f7e8c81b4"
  "addresses": []