This is the academic gps project. Our main goal - create the board with open architecture, create the software under opensource. Board will send gps in raw format into network via USB (but via RS232) interface and server-side software (perhaps via PCI bus directly into a PC). Any client can connect to the gps-board and get a raw data. Mainly project orient for an university DSP-course. First version of the board will contain Hardware: onboard RS-232 port and the management VHDL [done] 256K SRAM memory and the SRAM controller in VHDL [done] GPS chip arbiter [done] Software: correlation code on C under Linux [none] GPS-satellite signal generator [unknown] RS232 client in C under Linux [in progress] GUI for software modules [in progress] Stage: we are near the revision 1.0 of the board. At this moment we have board, correlator on the matlab and some usefull scripts All sources published under GPL version 3 license if it's not contain other.