
A restful api to monitor performance metrics of machines

Primary LanguageJava


A restful api to monitor performance metrics of machines


StatsSmart provides a Restful Api to collect performace metrics of machines. This functionality is broken down into two different modules.

StatsSmart API

The StatsSmart API has two end points. The 'summary' endpoint gives average of the performance metrics of all the hosts configured in the system. The 'hosts' endpoint gives information about all the hosts configured in the system. The hosts endpoint can also be used to get the average and latest performance metrics of a particular host in the system. Refer API Guide for usage information.

The StatsSmart API is powered by a Jetty server and connects to a centralized MYSQL database to collect performance metrics.


The MetricLoader provides a service that runs every hour on the host whose performance needs to be monitored. It collects the CPU and Memory informations and stores it in the MYSQL database


Set up StasSmart API

  • Set up the centralized MYSQL database using this script
  • Clone the Git repo for StatsSmart
  • Update the config file in your local repo
  • cd into StatsSmart directory on local machine and build the project - 'mvn clean install'
  • Copy StatsSmart-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from the target directory to the machine that will run the server for the api
  • start the Jetty server: java -jar StatsSmart-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Set up MetricLoader

For every machine whose performance needs to be monitored, do the following:

  • Add the ip address and hostname of the host to the host table in MYSQL. Sample Query: INSERT INTO StatsSmart.host (ip, name) VALUES ('', 'host3');
  • Clone the Git repo for StatsSmart
  • Update the config file in your local repo.
  • cd into StatsSmart directory on local machine and build the project - 'mvn clean install'
  • copy metricloader-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar from the target directory to the machine whose performance needs to be monitored.
  • Run App.java

API Guide