💥 Demo
This map is useful for calculating area and especially for calculating area of farmland using Revenue Village Map (RVM) as reference. RVM is useful for identifies boundaries of farm land, Government land and residential areas.
Leaflet is leading open-source JavaScript library for mobile and web mapping applications, it supports most mobile and desktop platforms, supporting HTML5 and CSS3. along with openlayers and Google maps API.
Leaflet allows to display tiled web maps hosted on private servers. and it can load feature data from geojson features. for creating interactive maps and styling with geojson leaflet has good features and plugins. and the main advantage of this leaflet is if we want to add any features to map it is very easy to add and we can interact with community members.
Mapbox Studio
Mapbox Studio is an online design studio, opens up complete design control, allows to create beautiful custom maps. Its primary feature is a graphical style editor for authoring styles for mapbox hosted vector maps. these maps can be displayed with the Mapbox GL JS
, Leaflet
and also these WMS and WMTS layers can open in ArcGIS
and JOSM