
Primary LanguageHCL


Loops are required when you want to create a resource multiple times based on a limit. We have 2 types of loops in terraform. Usually we iterate over a list or map and create the resources.

  1. Count based loops based on count parameter
  2. For each loop


locals are like variables which can have some value. But it has some extra capability of running the expressions or functions and storing the results into a name to reuse wherever required. We can override variables but can't override locals.

    instance_type = "t3.micro"
resource "aws_instance" "your-wish" {
    ami = "ami-012b9156f755804f5"
    instance_type = local.instance_type


Terraform outputs block is useful to print the output values of the resources. for example, vpc_id of the vpc resource.

We can use outputs block in module development. Module users can catch the output values in their code and reuse.

Data sources

Data sources in terraform are used to query the existing resource details or query the information provided by any provider.