
A collection of beautiful android xml layouts


A collection of beautiful Android XML layouts

forthebadge forthebadge


This repository aims at simplifying the load of developing various layouts in android via XML. This will be a curated list of XML files that can be used in any android project. How creative can you get? Show off your layout designing and development skills and contribute in making a collection of layout templates that can be used for faster development.


  • Cards
  • Adapter list item
  • Login pages
  • OnBoarding screens
  • Bottom sheet design

Any other reusable components


  • Create a PR with an xml file and also add a screenshot of your layout
  • Add your xml file in "xml_code folder" of this repository
  • Add a screenshot of your layout in the "screenshots" folder of this repository
  • Add your custom fonts in "fonts" directory. Make sure you don't duplicate a font. Naming for font Product Sans.ttf should be product_sans.ttf as an example.
  • Please save your screenshot's name and xml layout file(with the code) with the same name for easier navigation

Creating an issue

  • Feel free to create an issue if you have better ideas in order to improve anything in this repository
  • Check out the sample issue