
A Flutter MVP Framework with full stack support.

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter MVP framework

A flutter MVP framework, written with coding practices applied in my other technology agnostic mobile development framework - jVanila.

The framework showcases how to apply MVP pattern in depth.

Check simple usage in https://github.com/pavan2you/jvanila_flutter/tree/master/helloworld

Check an indepth usage in https://github.com/pavan2you/jvanila_flutter/tree/master/randomwords

Check fullstack, MVP example https://github.com/pavan2you/jvanila_flutter/tree/master/dataapp

Check Routing / Navigation example https://github.com/pavan2you/flutter-mvp-framework/tree/master/stack. The dynamic route poping is little tricky in flutter, this solves that problem.

Getting Started

Access Wiki.

For help getting started with Flutter, view flutter online documentation.