
Sample Angular application used in the "Angular: Getting Started" course: http://bit.ly/Angular-GettingStarted

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular-Getting Started

Materials for the "Angular: Getting Started" course on Pluralsight.

APM-Start: The starter files set up for this course. Use this to code along with the course. (Updated for Angular version 14)

APM-Final: The completed files. Use this to see the completed solution from the course. (Updated for Angular version 14 )

See the README.md file under each folder for details on installing and running the application.

If you have any problems installing or running this code, please post to the discussion board for the course

NOTE: The installation was tested using node v16.15.1 and npm 8.11.0.


The following are detailed instructions for installing the code so you can code along with the course.

  1. Ensure you have node installed.

    At a command prompt, type node -v to ensure you have version 14.15.0 or higher before proceeding.

  2. Download or clone the code from this repository.

    If you download as a zip file, be sure to unzip it.

  3. Navigate to the APM-Start folder (or APM folder if you renamed it).

    There should be a package.json file in this folder.

  4. In a command window (or the Command prompt in VS Code), type npm install.

    This creates a node_modules folder and installs all packages from the package.json file into that folder. You may see a few warnings during this process, but you should not see any errors.

  5. In the same command window (or the Command property in VS Code), type npm start.

    The application should then compile and launch in your default browser.

If these steps don't work for you, see STACKBLITZ below.


If you want to work through the course without downloading npm or any of the libraries, try the course with Stackblitz by following this link: https://stackblitz.com/github/DeborahK/Angular-GettingStarted/tree/master/APM-Start

Stackblitz does not support reading json files from a folder defined in the angular.json file. Rather, you need to copy the products folder from the api folder to the assets folder. Then modify the productUrl to look in the assets folder: private productUrl = 'assets/products/products.json';

To install packages in Stackblitz, such as bootstrap and font-awesome, you need to use the DEPENDENCIES branch in the Project hierarchy to the left of the code in Stackblitz:

  1. Open the DEPENDENCIES node. (You should see the list of existing dependencies such as @angular/common
  2. Below the list of dependencies is an input box with the text "enter package name"
  3. Enter bootstrap there and press enter.
  4. If it asks you to install missing dependencies, click "INSTALL MISSING DEPENDENCIES"
  5. Repeat step 3 with font-awesome

Stackbliz has the Angular CLI commands built in. Instead of installing the Angular CLI to your system, right-click on a folder in Stackblitz and you'll see an "Angular Generator" option. Under that menu you'll find the Angular CLI commands.