
Python class to access Ghost REST APIs

Primary LanguagePython

Python class to use the Ghost JSON APIs

Ghost Homepage : https://ghost.org/

Ghost has a REST based backend. By talking with the very helpful developer community and the chrome developer tools and going through the docs here, I was able to create an interface to use the CRUD calls without interacting with the front end.

Tested on python version 2.7


  1. Python requests library


  1. Import Ghost class from ghost file.

    > from ghost import Ghost

  2. Initialize Ghost instance by giving the base_url and the client_secret. Client secret can be obtained by looking at the DOM of your blog.

    > g = Ghost('http://localhost:2368', 'abcd1234')

  3. Authenticate using your username and password. This method returns a tuple of (status_code, body). status_code is the HTTP Status code of the API call. body would a python dict. If status_code is 200, then you are successfully authenticated. If not, the respose would give details about the error.

    > status, body = g.authenticate('username@example.com', 'password)

    Success Response

    	"access_token": "rG7jjfqjcItYAd1v9rUNNwa3Z7IYWvLzBJvJwET6nnth1hBLW4u7hpQEJNzD6IkB6DGMDHOOBVlt36YgoXapef69nqhfDwxiYdaMA0mHW6kAw8AnHR3MVCeqoHuGqswWlbMFZk3eLH6JwvIQAD7QvwjgPnIwn1mKMN3kkrpuhzLIKLQ48DT1laugjoDHkjnHFyrUTOrLExx7laUgYhDq2xyAe0f0SVAwXJOxb6CwHK0JcUhT8dJiOFv7EG8cF3x",
    	"refresh_token": "pOcBi7VtTojKWCTYw8ZaUpVbKBnpErGGr5FD6h92g1NzstghH1ViC4TLjWa3Dow67HCFVRaxBNA8pGBVbcP7ameZnuPZCjKZHNjZPvjyYvAhdeiNLy6EEj2gc8X3mnbClOkUSfhxkxhHji1vH1ZzAk1DZvafVQ8d9CphMiP5FpUYik1VrLS7V0N9ClFoG80khhBnDKy8CIlFKqryDXsIGnvHNYtVmXcKhXI0iF2MQer3RRwurN7PLbgW2acBmjt",
    	"expires_in": 3600,
    	"token_type": "Bearer"

    Error Response

    	"message": "Your password is incorrect. <br /> 4 attempts remaining!",
    	"errorType": "UnauthorizedError"
  4. Use the CRUD operations. post, get, update and delete. Use them as follows

    a. POST

    $ status, body = g.post('Title of the article', 'published', 'Text of the article in markdown/html')

    The failure response structure would be the same as before. The success response would have this kind of structure. The id field is important as it would be needed to get, update and delete the article.

    Status can be one out of draft or published.

    In case of success, the status would be 201.

    	"id": 60,
    	"uuid": "ba2db5cf-3155-4a08-9e0c-52e9356118b1",
    	"title": "Title of the article",
    	"slug": "title-of-the-article",
    	"markdown": "Text of the article in markdown/html",
    	"mobiledoc": null,
    	"html": "<p>Text of the article in markdown/html</p>",
    	"amp": null,
    	"image": null,
    	"featured": false,
    	"page": false,
    	"status": "published",
    	"language": "en_US",
    	"visibility": "public",
    	"meta_title": null,
    	"meta_description": null,
    	"created_at": "2016-11-21T16:34:45.000Z",
    	"created_by": 1,
    	"updated_at": "2016-11-21T16:34:45.000Z",
    	"updated_by": 1,
    	"published_at": "2016-11-21T16:34:45.000Z",
    	"published_by": 1,
    	"tags": [],
    	"author": 1,
    	"url": "/title-of-the-article/"

    b. UPDATE

    > status, body = g.update(60, 'New title of the article', 'published', 'Awesome new text of the article in markdown/html')

    Success would give a status of 200. Success and failure responses would be similar to the ones shown before.

    The article would be completely updated including the title and the text. So be careful.

    c. GET

    > status, body = g.get(60)

    Success would give a status of 200. Success and failure responses would be similar to the ones shown before.

    d. DELETE

    > status = g.delete(60)

    Success would give a status of 204. This means the article was deleted. Be careful as this is irrecoverable. It might be better to update the status to draft.

Join this slack channel for help. Or raise an issue here.