
Petsgram: A pet image listing website. Demo project for internship recruitment.

Primary LanguageHTML


Folder/File Description:

  1. /models/pets - Pets database schema
  2. /public/stylesheets/home.css - Home page CSS file
  3. /public/stylesheets/show.css - Pets show page CSS file
  4. /public/favicon.ico - Website favicon
  5. /routes/about.js - Routing for about page
  6. /routes/contact.js - Routing for contact page
  7. routes/home.js - Routing for home page
  8. /routes/show.js - Routing for show page
  9. /views/partials/header.ejs - EJS header template
  10. /views/partials/footer.ejs - EJS footer template
  11. /views/about.ejs - About page template
  12. /views/contact.ejs - Contact page template
  13. /views/home.ejs - Home page template
  14. /views/landing.ejs - Landing page template
  15. /views/show.ejs - Show page template
  16. /app.js - The index/app file
  17. /seed.js - JavaScript file to seed the database

Project related information

  1. There are five pages Landing, Home, Show, About and Contact
  2. HTML Table is contained in the contact.ejs file
  3. The page not using Bootstrap and only CSS is the show.ejs file (Note: The navbar is a Bootstrap component but it is derived from the header file)
  4. Grid system has been used in home.ejs file
  5. An unordered list has been used in the about.ejs file
  6. A slideshow as Bootstrap component has been used in the landing.ejs file
  7. The website is hosted on Heroku
  8. The database is hosted in MongoDB