Folder/File Description:
- /models/pets - Pets database schema
- /public/stylesheets/home.css - Home page CSS file
- /public/stylesheets/show.css - Pets show page CSS file
- /public/favicon.ico - Website favicon
- /routes/about.js - Routing for about page
- /routes/contact.js - Routing for contact page
- routes/home.js - Routing for home page
- /routes/show.js - Routing for show page
- /views/partials/header.ejs - EJS header template
- /views/partials/footer.ejs - EJS footer template
- /views/about.ejs - About page template
- /views/contact.ejs - Contact page template
- /views/home.ejs - Home page template
- /views/landing.ejs - Landing page template
- /views/show.ejs - Show page template
- /app.js - The index/app file
- /seed.js - JavaScript file to seed the database
Project related information
- There are five pages Landing, Home, Show, About and Contact
- HTML Table is contained in the contact.ejs file
- The page not using Bootstrap and only CSS is the show.ejs file (Note: The navbar is a Bootstrap component but it is derived from the header file)
- Grid system has been used in home.ejs file
- An unordered list has been used in the about.ejs file
- A slideshow as Bootstrap component has been used in the landing.ejs file
- The website is hosted on Heroku
- The database is hosted in MongoDB