
Logger extension for VsTest

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build status


NuGet version

Install ReportPortal.VSTest.TestLogger NuGet package into your project with tests.


Add new ReportPortal.config.json file into your project with Copy if newer value for Copy to Output Directory property.

Example of config file:

  "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/reportportal/agent-net-vstest/master/ReportPortal.VSTest.TestLogger/ReportPortal.config.schema",
  "enabled": true,
  "server": {
    "url": "https://rp.epam.com/api/v1/",
    "project": "default_project",
    "authentication": {
      "uuid": "7853c7a9-7f27-43ea-835a-cab01355fd17"
  "launch": {
    "name": "VS Test Demo Launch",
    "description": "this is description",
    "debugMode": true,
    "tags": [ "t1", "t2" ]

Tests execution

To execute tests with real-time reporting, specify Logger argument.


vstest.console.exe MyTests.dll /TestAdapterPath:. /Logger:ReportPortal

dotnet test

dotnet test -l:ReportPortal
dotnet vstest MyTests.dll --logger:ReportPortal

Visual Studio Test Explorer

Add the *.runsettings file into solution with the following minimal content

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <Logger friendlyName="ReportPortal">
          <Launch.Description>Ran from Visual Studio Test Explorer</Launch.Description>

In Test Explorer window select this file as run configuration (menu Test -> Test Settings -> Select Test Settings File).

Now you can execute tests in Visual Studio and see results on the server. Launch.Description property in xml is provided as an exmple how to put configuration properties for logger.

Parameters overriding

--logger:ReportPortal;Launch.Name="My new launch name"

Supported parameters

  • Launch.Name

  • Launch.Description

  • Launch.Tags - comma-separated list

  • Launch.DebugMode - true/false

  • Server.Project

  • Server.Authentication.Uuid

Environment variables

It's possible to override parameters via environment variables.

set reportportal_launch_name="My new launch name"
# execute tests

reportportal_ prefix is used for naming variables, and _ is used as delimeter. For example to override Server.Authentication.Uuid parameter, we need specify ReportPortal_Server_Authentication_Uuid in environment variables. To override launch tags we need specify ReportPortal_Launch_Tags with tag1;tag2 value (; used as separator for list of values).

Integrate logger framework

Useful extensions