
Python wrapped C++ code for bottom-up dynamic computation of high order gradient components of 2D linear elastic Green functions in anistropic, orthotropic, R0-orthotropic, square symmetric and isotropic media.

Primary LanguageC++


Python wrapped C++ code for bottom-up dynamic computation of high order gradient components of 2D linear elastic Green functions in anistropic, orthotropic, R0-orthotropic, square symmetric and isotropic media.

Author: Nicolas Venkovic.

email: venkovic@gmail.com.

Supporting documents:

Compiler and dependencies:

  • gcc.
  • Python 2.X.
  • pybind11.
  • NumPy, Matplotlib, SciPy.


$ python setup.py build_ext -i


  • Global equilibrium of random bodies: Verifies that the integral of the traction field of a body bounded by a random curve is in equilibrium with a concentrated load applied at the origin. Verification done for 10 instances of each material symmetry and 10 realizations of random curves.
  • Numerical differentiation of Green functions: Verifies that the computation of specific components of several gradients of Green's function matches pre-calculated values. Verification done for 5 material instances of each material symmetry with gradients up to the eighth order.
$ python tests.py


An example script to start working with the module is given. Run the examples as follows:

$ python example.py

C++ content wrapped in Python:

  • isym : Symmetry code
  • P0, P1, R0, R1, T0, T1, K : Polar invariants
  • kappa, mu : Isotropic elastic constants
  • Th : Phase angle
  • L1111, L1122, L1112 : Stiffness components
  • L2211, L2222, L2212 : Stiffness components
  • L1211, L1222, L1212 : Stiffness components
  • L1121, L2221, L2111 : Stiffness components
  • L2122, L2112, L1221 : Stiffness components
  • L2121 : Stiffness component
  • S : First complete Barnett-Lothe tensor integral
  • H : Second complete Barnett-Lothe tensor integral
  • set_sym() : Sets up material symmetry
  • get_S() : Computes first complete Barnett-Lothe tensor integral
  • get_H() : Computes second complete Barnett-Lothe tensor integral
  • dnGi() : Computes Cartesian component with indices i of n-th gradient Green's function

C++ content not wrapped in Python:

  • dkN1_anisotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of first Barnett-Lothe integrand of an anisotropic medium
  • dkN2_anisotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of second Barnett-Lothe integrand of an anisotropic medium
  • dkN1_orthotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of first Barnett-Lothe integrand of an orthotropic medium
  • dkN2_orthotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of second Barnett-Lothe integrand of an R0-orthotropic medium
  • dkN1_r0_orthotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of first Barnett-Lothe integrand of an R0-orthotropic medium
  • dkN2_r0_orthotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of second Barnett-Lothe integrand of an R0-orthotropic medium
  • dkN1_square_symmetric() : Computes k-th derivative of first Barnett-Lothe integrand of an square-symmetric medium
  • dkN2_square_symmetric() : Computes k-th derivative of second Barnett-Lothe integrand of an R0-orthotropic medium
  • dkN1_isotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of first Barnett-Lothe integrand of an isotropic medium
  • dkN2_isotropic() : Computes k-th derivative of second Barnett-Lothe integrand of an isotropic medium
  • dh() : Computes k-th derivative of angle dependent part of n-th gradient of Green's function
  • h() : Computes angle dependent part of k-th gradient of Green's function
  • dkh1i() : Computes k-th derivative of angle dependent part of 1-st gradient the Green's function
  • dknvec() : Computes k-th derivative of Cartesian component i of unit vector nvec
  • dkmvec() : Computes k-th derivative of Cartesian component i of unit vector mvec,
    i.e. active counter-clockwise Pi/2 rotation of nvec
  • trapzd() : Performs numerical integration of Barnett-Lothe integrand by trapezoidal rule
  • qtrap() : Handles the trapezoidal rule for targeted error, i.e. 10.^-10

Prior version history:

  • 0.90 (May 31st, 2017),
  • 0.91 (June 7th, 2017).