
Weather app uses open Weather api to show data for that particular day by fetching current location or by searched value

Primary LanguageKotlin

Weather app

Weather app is based on MVVM architecture and uses the following libraries/Jetpack components

  • Compose UI
  • LiveData
  • LocationServices
  • Retrofit
  • JUnit
  • Timber
  • ViewModel
  • Compose Navigation
  • Coroutines via produceState
  • Hilt for DI
  • GSON
  • Coil - Image library

App functionality

This App makes two network calls, one is location based and the other one is search string/city based. Once the user location is known it makes a network call to fetch the weather data. If location data is not available then it makes use of the search value to make a network call and fetch weather data. In any case if either of them are not provided it makes a network call by a default city.

The fetched data is sent to UI in a Unidirectional flow via repository to ViewModel.


If the search string is not of the below accepted types we receive an exception as a response. Accepted types are: "city" / "city, CountryCode" / "city, StateCode, CountryCode"