
ClamAV Puppet Module

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ClamAV Puppet Module

This module provides mechanisms to manage clamav, allowing for the creation of scheduled scans via the clamav::scan define as well as running the clamd daemon using the clamav::clamd class.


Setup a clamav scan that scans everything except the /sys and /dev, and does not run on a schedule.

 clamav::scan { 'all-but-sys-and-dev':
   exclude_dir => ['(?i)/^\/(sys|dev)/'],
   scan        => ['/'],
   enable      => false,

Add signature and file whitelist entries in /var/lib/clamav/local.ign2, /var/lib/clamav/local.sfp, and /var/lib/clamav/local.fp:

class { 'clamav':
  whitelist_sig => [
  whitelist_sha => [
  whitelist_md5 => [ 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' ]

Enable clamd:

include clamav::clamd

Enable clamd and setup on-access scanning

class { 'clamav::clamd':
  scan_on_access          => 'yes',
  on_access_max_file_size => '15M',
  on_access_exclude_path  => [ '/srv/noscan' ],
  on_access_include_path  => [ '/srv' ],


See LICENSE file


Copyright © 2015 The Regents of the University of California


Aaron Russo arusso@berkeley.edu


Please log tickets and issues at the Projects site