- 0
- 0
Sorting isn't localized (ZZ sorts before aa)
#138 opened by texuf - 2
Please add me as a contributor to the project
#149 opened by dnedrow - 1
synx error happens
#134 opened by jkyin - 3
[SPM] The problem with incorrect interaction with Swift Package Manager
#148 opened by stolyarenkokswing - 0
support Mojave in different configurations
#145 opened by Speakus - 1
Feature request to flatten file hierarchy
#121 opened by JamesKuang - 2
Removing bridging header file from project
#141 opened by gitshastri - 2
Dry run (feature request)
#120 opened by everlof - 0
Since using Synx Xcode Assistant no longer works
#142 opened by Fawxy - 3
git history not maintained
#118 opened by jmkk - 1
Add reference to Bridging-Header
#116 opened by tharak - 0
GUI Wrapper App
#140 opened by scottcombs - 2
Swift Scripting
#127 opened by TofPlay - 1
Synx removes empty folder
#137 opened by sxcore - 2
Seems not work for CocoaPod's pod template?
#114 opened by CodeLife2012 - 4
Add to homebrew
#108 opened by jaredsburrows - 0
- 1
Have the synx work in oposite direction as well?
#126 opened by eivindml - 3
[Question] Work with swift ?
#92 opened by YanSte - 1
Exclusion option not working
#90 opened by PhilipDukhov - 0
- 1
Feature request: exclude files
#132 opened by edenworky - 2
*.xcassets files was removed
#129 opened - 1
synx: command not found
#119 opened by v-sharaev - 6
The plist file at path doesn't exist.
#93 opened by wongzigii - 0
Xcode 8 name
#133 opened by raptorxcz - 1
Synx can irreversibly remove all your files
#128 opened by abdulowork - 1
- 0
Trunk whole path in filename
#131 opened by k06a - 1
info.plist/entitlements/.pch file moved but XCode project file not updated to reflect new location.
#106 opened by ftvs - 0
Crash report: Errno::EEXIST
#124 opened by AndrewSB - 1
- 0
- 0
Fix reference to entitlements file
#117 opened by bre7 - 2
- 1
After synx the project, git history is broken?
#115 opened by CodeLife2012 - 3
bridging header
#94 opened by edwardvalentini - 2
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 4
Assertion failure when running?
#87 opened by gadu - 1
Remove spaces from folders
#100 opened by craigmarvelley - 2
how to update synx?
#99 opened by zdrjson - 8
Xcode 7.3 project file rewriting issues.
#105 opened by benguild - 1
- 4
Misplaced files after running synx
#101 opened by mathonsunday - 3
[synx] gem update issue
#102 opened by clementpadovani - 0
Change entitlements location
#95 opened by vani2