Essay grading for Orange

This is an essay grading add-on for Orange data mining.


  • Download and install Orange

  • Open Orange

    • Click Options > Add-ons
    • Install Orange3-Text add-on
  • Clone this repository

  • Open Anaconda prompt (as Admin), navigate to cloned repository, activate Orange environment and install essay grading:

      cd essay-grading
      activate [path_to_Orange_environment] (e.g. "C:\Program Files\Orange")
      pip install -e .
      conda install pytorch torchvision cpuonly -c pytorch
      pip install flair==0.4.5
    • If any problems arise during Flair installation, try running the following command before installing Flair

        pip install transformers==2.4.1
  • In addition to the above, we need to take care of neuralcoref manually. Download neuralcoref from here navigate to it and run:

      cd neuralcoref
      pip install -r requirements.txt
      pip install -e .
  • You will also need to download SpaCy's english language models:

      python -m spacy download en
      python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg 
      python -m spacy download en_vectors_web_lg 
  • DONE!

    • Your code changes will take effect immediately or after restarting Orange (if open).


  • Run Orange
  • All essay grading widgets are bundled in "Essay grading"
  • You can find a few examples by clicking Help > Example Workflows


This is an implementation of an essay grading system described in PhD thesis by Kaja Zupanc.

AGE and AGE+ systems are fully functional. SAGE is functional but requires a lot of time to complete.