
A gulp utility to have multiple gulpfile scripts in separate files or folders.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


gulp-scripts is a utility to create multiple gulpfile.js files throughout your project and have the top most level gulpfile convert them to standard gulp tasks.

It was designed for projects that are built from many smaller projects under a single parent folder. Each subfolder is written like a normal stand alone gulpfile project.

	gulpfile.js			# <- this is your gulp-scripts main entry file


Install this package with NPM and add it to your development dependencies. gulp-scripts is designed to work with gulp v4 or greater.

npm install --save-dev gulp@4 gulp-scripts


Command line usage

An example of a gulp-scripts task command would include a gulpfile.js from a subfolder called plugins/slideshow. The folder names automatically become part of the task name.

gulp build:plugins:slideshow

Another example using a subfolder named libraries/users.

gulp watch:libraries:users

The top level gulp script can be called with a simple task command and any subfolders that support a version of that command will also be run.

gulp build

This gulp command will run the build task for every gulpfile found with a build task.

[16:08:17] Starting 'build'...
[16:08:17] Starting 'build:libraries:users'...
Build the users library.
[16:08:17] Finished 'build:libraries:users' after 1.15 ms
[16:08:17] Starting 'build:plugins:slideshow'...
Build the slide show plugin.
[16:08:17] Finished 'build:plugins:slideshow' after 1.02 ms
[16:08:17] Finished 'build' after 5.01 ms

Include subfolder gulp files

gulp-script is called directly as a normal function. It supports up to two parameters, being the file search type and the options for the search.

var gulpScripts = require("gulp-scripts");

// Include all gulpfiles

// Including all gulpfiles is the default so a simpler version is available.
// This command will do the same as the previous command.

// You may choose to use a different naming scheme. This command will only
// look for files in gulpfiles subfolders and the files can be named for different
// sections within the project like styles.js, scripts.js or anything else.

gulp-script parameters and options

gulp-scripts uses glob to scan folders and subfolders to find valid gulpfiles to include. All the search path strings and options are passed directly to glob so please refer to the glob documentation for how to locate your gulpfiles.

// This command uses both the search path and the options parameter
// The option to ignore node_modules is also default so it's not required here
gulpScripts("**/gulpfiles.js", { ignore: "node_modules/**" });

Because the ignore: node_modules/** setting is the default, if you choose to overwrite the ignore setting you will need to include node_moodules/** as part of your command.

gulpScripts("**/gulpfiles.js", { ignore: ["tests/**", "node_modules/**"] });

Because the search term **/gulpfiles.js is the default parameter you can also leave it out and just specify the options. This will use the default search path and use the custom options.

gulpScripts({ ignore: ["tests/**", "node_modules/**"] });

Exporting tasks

For a gulp task to be recognized it must use the exports.taskName example used with gulp v4. For a more complicated task name you can use the exports['complicated:task:name'] format.

const gulp = require("gulp");

function build(cb) {
	console.log("Build this module.");

exports.build = build;

You can override the default task name that would use the folder names to generate the task. This can be done with an exports.Name option.

const gulp = require("gulp");

// This file could be in a subfolder of plugins/plg_slideshow
// and now it becomes slideshow
exports.Name = "slideshow";

function build(cb) {
	console.log("build this module");

exports.build = build;

The previous example is now used as

gulp build:slideshow

Included tasks

gulp-scripts includes three tasks, build, clean and watch. These commands will automatically scan for any tasks that use the build:, clean: or watch: prefix.

The full name of these tasks are build:all, clean:all and watch:all so you can replace the build, clean and watch tasks without overwriting the included tasks.

These tasks have three variations, the simple build and build:all being equilavent tasks uses gulp.series to run each subfolder's tasks. The third variation is called build:all:parallel and this uses gulp.parallel to run the build task in parallel.

Creating custom top level tasks

You can also create your own top level task by using the gulpScripts.createTask method. This example will create a new top level task name and automatically add any subfolder tasks that start with the same prefix.

const gulp = require("gulp");
const gulpScripts = require("gulp-scripts");

// Create a task to build style sheets

You can now create tasks in a subfolder that work on building the style sheets separately. The rest of the folder suffix will still be applied correctly.

const gulp = require("gulp");

function buildStyles(cb) {
	console.log("Build the style sheets.");

exports["build:styles"] = buildStyles;

Because the previous example starts with a build: prefix it will still be called when a gulp build command is run.

Using the gulpScripts.createTask method will automatically create the three variations for you. The named version you created build:styles, the gulp.series version called build:styles:all and the gulp.parallel version called build:styles:all:parallel


MIT License