
PascalCoin library for the .NET framework.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NPascalCoin is a C# library for PascalCoin. Currently only the JSON-RPC API is supported with plans to add full-protocol support in future.


Copy and include the project in your solution and add using NPascalCoin. Use the IPascalCoinClient interface to interact with JSON-RPC API.

Example: Listing Wallet Accounts

var client = new PascalCoinClient("");
var accounts = client.GetWalletAccounts();


var client = new PascalCoinClient("");
var accounts = await client.GetWalletAccountsAsync();

Example: Sending funds

Unlocking wallet and sending funds

var client = new PascalCoinClient("");
using (client.EnterUnlockWalletScope("password")) {
    client.SendTo(senderAccount, targetAcc, qty, fee, "Payload text".ToByteArray(), PayloadEncryptionMethod.None)


var client = new PascalCoinClient("");
using (await client.EnterUnlockWalletScopeAsync("password")) {
    await client.SendToAsync(senderAccount, targetAcc, qty, fee, "Payload text".ToByteArray(), PayloadEncryptionMethod.None)

NOTE: WalletScopes unlock the wallet inside the scope and then lock as the scope exists. They are only needed when authoring operations. You can also manually lock and unlock the wallet using Lock and Unlock methods.


Herman Schoenfeld herman@sphere10.com