
ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 4)

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi CellphoneDB Team!
Everytime I run the code, it always report an error like 'ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 4)'. Could you please tell me the reason of the error? Thanks a lot in advance! The original code are presented as follows:

from cellphonedb.src.core.methods import cpdb_statistical_analysis_method

deconvoluted, means, pvalues, significant_means =
    cpdb_file_path = cpdb_file_path,                 # mandatory: CellPhoneDB database zip file.
    meta_file_path = meta_file_path,                 # mandatory: tsv file defining barcodes to cell label.
    counts_file_path = counts_file_path,             # mandatory: normalized count matrix.
    counts_data = 'hgnc_symbol',                     # defines the gene annotation in counts matrix.
    # microenvs_file_path = microenvs_file_path,       # optional (default: None): defines cells per microenvironment.
    iterations = 1000,                               # denotes the number of shufflings performed in the analysis.
    threshold = 0.1,                                 # defines the min % of cells expressing a gene for this to be employed in the analysis.
    threads = 8,                                     # number of threads to use in the analysis.
    debug_seed = 42,                                 # debug randome seed. To disable >=0.
    result_precision = 3,                            # Sets the rounding for the mean values in significan_means.
    pvalue = 0.05,                                   # P-value threshold to employ for significance.
    subsampling = False,                             # To enable subsampling the data (geometri sketching).
    subsampling_log = False,                         # (mandatory) enable subsampling log1p for non log-transformed data inputs.
    subsampling_num_pc = 100,                        # Number of componets to subsample via geometric skectching (dafault: 100).
    subsampling_num_cells = 1000,                    # Number of cells to subsample (integer) (default: 1/3 of the dataset).
    separator = '|',                                 # Sets the string to employ to separate cells in the results dataframes "cellA|CellB".
    debug = False,                                   # Saves all intermediate tables employed during the analysis in pkl format.
    output_path = out_path,                          # Path to save results.
    output_suffix = None                             # Replaces the timestamp in the output files by a user defined string in the  (default: None).

Reading user files...
The following user files were loaded successfully:
[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:10:10][INFO] [Cluster Statistical Analysis] Threshold:0.1 Iterations:1000 Debug-seed:42 Threads:8 Precision:3
[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:10:10][WARNING] Debug random seed enabled. Set to 42
[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:10:22][INFO] Running Real Analysis
[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:10:22][INFO] Running Statistical Analysis
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1000/1000 [41:55<00:00,  2.52s/it]
[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:52:19][INFO] Building Pvalues result

[ ][CORE][24/12/23-20:52:20][INFO] Building results
Saved deconvoluted to /home/xddktz/project/cpdb/r/statistical_analysis_deconvoluted_12_24_2023_205220.txt
Saved deconvoluted_percents to /home/xddktz/project/cpdb/r/statistical_analysis_deconvoluted_percents_12_24_2023_205220.txt
Saved means to /home/xddktz/project/cpdb/r/statistical_analysis_means_12_24_2023_205220.txt
Saved pvalues to /home/xddktz/project/cpdb/r/statistical_analysis_pvalues_12_24_2023_205220.txt
Saved significant_means to /home/xddktz/project/cpdb/r/statistical_analysis_significant_means_12_24_2023_205220.txt
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[4], line 3
      1 from cellphonedb.src.core.methods import cpdb_statistical_analysis_method
----> 3 deconvoluted, means, pvalues, significant_means =
      4     cpdb_file_path = cpdb_file_path,                 # mandatory: CellPhoneDB database zip file.
      5     meta_file_path = meta_file_path,                 # mandatory: tsv file defining barcodes to cell label.
      6     counts_file_path = counts_file_path,             # mandatory: normalized count matrix.
      7     counts_data = 'hgnc_symbol',                     # defines the gene annotation in counts matrix.
      8     # microenvs_file_path = microenvs_file_path,       # optional (default: None): defines cells per microenvironment.
      9     iterations = 1000,                               # denotes the number of shufflings performed in the analysis.
     10     threshold = 0.1,                                 # defines the min % of cells expressing a gene for this to be employed in the analysis.
     11     threads = 8,                                     # number of threads to use in the analysis.
     12     debug_seed = 42,                                 # debug randome seed. To disable >=0.
     13     result_precision = 3,                            # Sets the rounding for the mean values in significan_means.
     14     pvalue = 0.05,                                   # P-value threshold to employ for significance.
     15     subsampling = False,                             # To enable subsampling the data (geometri sketching).
     16     subsampling_log = False,                         # (mandatory) enable subsampling log1p for non log-transformed data inputs.
     17     subsampling_num_pc = 100,                        # Number of componets to subsample via geometric skectching (dafault: 100).
     18     subsampling_num_cells = 1000,                    # Number of cells to subsample (integer) (default: 1/3 of the dataset).
     19     separator = '|',                                 # Sets the string to employ to separate cells in the results dataframes "cellA|CellB".
     20     debug = False,                                   # Saves all intermediate tables employed during the analysis in pkl format.
     21     output_path = out_path,                          # Path to save results.
     22     output_suffix = None                             # Replaces the timestamp in the output files by a user defined string in the  (default: None).
     23     )

ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 4)

Just use cpdb_results = to replace deconvoluted, means, pvalues, significant_means =

In version 4 of CellPhoneDB, deconvoluted, means, pvalues, significant_means are used to store the results. In v5 results are save into the predefined file and as a dictionary in the one variable(cpdb_resuts).

Thank you very much! It's finally worked out!