
Didomi React is a React component which creates a layer on top of our SDK.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Didomi React


Didomi React is a React component which creates a layer on top of our SDK.

Install the component

  1. Install the library using npm.
$ npm install --save @didomi/react
  1. Import the module in your app.
import { DidomiSDK } from '@didomi/react';

Please note that the sooner you instanciate the component, the faster the banner will be displayed or the faster the consents will be shared with your partners and the ads displayed.

Instanciate the component with the configuration coming from the console (recommanded)

  1. Create your notice in the console : https://console.didomi.io

  2. Instanciate the component in your app

  onReady={didomi => console.log('Didomi SDK is loaded and ready', didomi)}
  onConsentChanged={cwtToken => console.log('A consent has been given/withdrawn', cwtToken)}
  onNoticeShown={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Shown')}
  onNoticeHidden={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Hidden')}
  onNoticeBackdropclick={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Backdrop Click')}
  onNoticeClickAgree={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Click Agree')}
  onNoticeClickMoreInfo={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Click More Info')}
  onPreferencesClickAgreeToAll={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Agree to All')}
  onPreferencesClickDisagreeToAll={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Disagree to All')}
  onPreferencesClickPurposeAgree={purposeId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Purpose Agree', purposeId)}
  onPreferencesClickPurposeDisagree={purposeId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Purpose Disagree', purposeId)}
  onPreferencesClickViewVendors={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click View Vendors')}
  onPreferencesClickSaveChoices={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Save Choices')}
  onPreferencesClickVendorAgree={vendorId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Agree', vendorId)}
  onPreferencesClickVendorDisagree={vendorId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Disagree', vendorId)}
  onPreferencesClickVendorSaveChoices={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Save Choices')}

Instanciate the component with a local configuration

Instanciate the component in your app

const didomiConfig = {  
  website: {
    vendors: {
      iab: {
        all: true
  onReady={didomi => console.log('Didomi SDK is loaded and ready', didomi)}
  onConsentChanged={cwtToken => console.log('A consent has been given/withdrawn', cwtToken)}
  onNoticeShown={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Shown')}
  onNoticeHidden={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Hidden')}
  onNoticeBackdropclick={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Backdrop Click')}
  onNoticeClickAgree={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Click Agree')}
  onNoticeClickMoreInfo={() => console.log('Didomi Notice Click More Info')}
  onPreferencesClickAgreeToAll={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Agree to All')}
  onPreferencesClickDisagreeToAll={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Disagree to All')}
  onPreferencesClickPurposeAgree={purposeId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Purpose Agree', purposeId)}
  onPreferencesClickPurposeDisagree={purposeId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Purpose Disagree', purposeId)}
  onPreferencesClickViewVendors={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click View Vendors')}
  onPreferencesClickSaveChoices={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Save Choices')}
  onPreferencesClickVendorAgree={vendorId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Agree', vendorId)}
  onPreferencesClickVendorDisagree={vendorId => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Disagree', vendorId)}
  onPreferencesClickVendorSaveChoices={() => console.log('Didomi Preferences Click Vendor Save Choices')}

Column Props

Name Type Default Description
apiKey string null Your API Key
config object {} Configuration of the SDK, please go below to see the configuration object structure
gdprAppliesGlobally boolean true The banner should display to all users no matter where they are located. If you are a non EU-based company then you are only required to collect consent and show the banner to EU visitors and can configure the banner to do so by changing the gdprAppliesGlobally variable to false in the tag above (that variable is separate from the window.didomiConfig variable).
Please note that if you are an EU-based company then you must collect consent and display the banner to all visitors, no matter where they are from.
onReady function Called when the SDK is loaded. Pass the Didomi object as parameter. Please see the https://developers.didomi.io/cmp/web-sdk/reference for more information about what you can do with the Didomi object
onConsentChanged function Called when a consent is given or withdrawn by the user. Pass the CWT Token as parameter.
onNoticeShown function Called when the notice is shown
onNoticeHidden function Called when the notice is hidden
onNoticeBackdropclick function Called when the backdrop from the popup notice is clicked
onNoticeClickAgree function Called when user clicks on agree on the notice
onNoticeClickMoreInfo function Called when user clicks on learn more on the notice
onPreferencesClickAgreeToAll function Called when user clicks on agree to all on the preferences popup
onPreferencesClickDisagreeToAll function Called when user clicks on disagree to all on the preferences popup
onPreferencesClickPurposeAgree function Called when user agree to a purpose on the preferences popup. (purposeId provided as a parameter)
onPreferencesClickPurposeDisagree function Called when user disagree to a purpose on the preferences popup. (purposeId provided as a parameter)
onPreferencesClickViewVendors function Called when user clicks on view vendors on the preferences popup
onPreferencesClickSaveChoices function Called when user saves his choice on the preferences popup
onPreferencesClickVendorAgree function Called when user agree to a vendor on the preferences popup. (vendorId provided as a parameter)
onPreferencesClickVendorDisagree function Called when user disagree to a vendor on the preferences popup. (vendorId provided as a parameter)
onPreferencesClickVendorSaveChoices function Called when user saves his choice on the vendors view on the preferences popup

Configuration object

This is the structure of the configuration object. For more information, please visit our SDK documentation

  website: {
    ignoreCountry: true,
    privacyPolicyURL: 'http://example.com',
    name: 'Example',
    apiKey: '<Your API key>',
    logoUrl: 'http://logo.png',
    vendors: {
      iab: { // You either choose the option 'all', with optionaly 'exclude', or the 'include' option where you add the vendors manually
        all: true,
        exclude: [1],
        // OR
        include: [3],
      didomi: ['google'],
      custom: [
          id: 'custom-vendor', // Unique ID for the vendor
          name: 'Custom Vendor', // Display name of the vendor
          purposeIds: ['cookies'], // List of purposes that you want to collect consent for, for this vendor
          policyUrl: 'http://www.vendor.com/privacy-policy' // URL to the privacy policy of the vendor
    customPurposes: [
        id: 'my_custom_purpose',
        name: {
          en: 'My custom purpose',
        description: {
          en: 'Description',
  languages: {
    enabled: ['en', 'fr', 'es', 'nl', 'ca', 'it', 'de', 'pt'], // List of languages that visitors can use
    default: 'fr', // Default language to use if the visitor uses a language that is not enabled
  notice: {
    position: 'popup',
    closeOnClick: true,
    closeOnClickBackdrop: false,
    daysBeforeShowingAgain: 0,
    textAlignment: 'left',
    learnMorePosition: null,
    learnMoreMargin: '20px 0 0 0',
    logoAlignment: 'flex-start',
    content: {
      popup: {
        en: 'Text',
      notice: {
        en: 'Text',
      dismiss: {
        en: 'Text',
      learnMore: {
        en: 'Text',
  preferences: {
    defaultChoice: true,
    enableAllButtons: true,
    content: {
      text: {
        en: 'Text',
      title: {
        en: 'Text',
      disagreeToAll: {
        en: 'Text',
      agreeToAll: {
        en: 'Text',
      save: {
        en: 'Text',
      textVendors: {
        en: 'Text'
      subTextVendors: {
        en: 'Text'
    information: {
      enable: true,
      content: {
        text: {
          en: 'Text',
        learnMore: {
          en: 'Text',
        agreeAndClose: {
          en: 'Text',
  theme: {
    color: '#3F51B5', // Principal color used by the SDK
    linkColor: '#3F51B5', // Color used for the links in the notice/popup
    font: 'Arial', // Font used by the SDK
    buttons: {
      regularButtons: { // Learn more/disagree/disagree to all buttons.
        backgroundColor: '#eeeeee',
        textColor: '#999999',
        borderColor: 'rgba(34, 34, 34, 0.2)',
        borderWidth: '1px',
        borderRadius: '0px',
      highlightButtons: { // Agree/save/agree to all buttons.
        backgroundColor: 'rgb(194, 39, 45)',
        textColor: '#ffffff',
        borderColor: 'rgba(194, 39, 45, 0.3)',
        borderWidth: '1px',
        borderRadius: '0px',
  tagManager: {
    provider: 'gtm'
  integrations: {
    vendors: { // Setup the integration with Google (ask Didomi to share consent with Google tags)
      google: {
        enable: true,
        eprivacy: true
    refreshOnConsent: true // by default, ads are reloaded after consent is given

Example of implementation

import React, { Component } from 'react'

import { DidomiSDK } from '@didomi/react'

 * This is the configuration object that will set the Didomi SDK
const didomiConfig = {  
  website: {
    name: 'Didomi',
    apiKey: 'API_KEY',
    vendors: {
      iab: {
        all: true
  notice: {
    position: 'bottom'
  languages: {
    enabled: ['fr', 'en', 'es'],
    default: 'fr'

class DidomiDemo extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.didomiObject = {};

   * Called once we have the callback from the SDK informing that Didoni is loaded and ready
  onDidomiReady(didomi) {
    this.didomiObject = didomi;

    console.log('Didomi Ready - Is the consent required ? : ', this.didomiObject.isConsentRequired());
    console.log('Didomi Ready - Do we have the consent for the vendor IAB 1 : ', this.didomiObject.getUserConsentStatusForVendor(1));
    console.log('Didomi Ready - Do we have the consent for the vendor IAB 1 and the purpose cookies : ', this.didomiObject.getUserConsentStatus('cookies', 1));


   * Called everytime the consent changes
  consentHasChanged(cwtToken) {
    console.log('Didomi Consent Changed - cwtToken : ', cwtToken);
    console.log('Didomi Consent Changed - Is the consent required ? : ', this.didomiObject.isConsentRequired());
    console.log('Didomi Consent Changed - Do we have the consent for the vendor IAB 1 : ', this.didomiObject.getUserConsentStatusForVendor(1));
    console.log('Didomi Consent Changed - Do we have the consent for the vendor IAB 1 and the purpose cookies : ', this.didomiObject.getUserConsentStatus('cookies', 1));

  render() {
    return <div>
      <h1>Didomi React Demo</h1>
      <button onClick={() => this.didomiObject.setUserAgreeToAll()}>Set Agree to All</button>

Customize the notice

You can use your own custom notice to replace the standard Didomi SDK notices (banner or popup). This option keeps some native behaviors like the position of the notice, the backdrop (for the popup notice) or the logic to decide when to display the notice.

Set your HTML in the notice.content.html key:

Custom HTML in the notice

You can do everything through HTML:

const didomiConfig = {
website: {    
  apiKey: '<Your API key>',        
  notice: {
    content: {
      html: {
        en: '<div>Custom Notice</div>'


<DidomiSDK config={didomiConfig}/>
Custom React component in the notice

If you want to keep all the advantages of React, you can call our callback function that returns the notice element and render your own React component inside:

import { render } from 'react-dom'

class NoticeHTML extends Component {
openPreferences() {

render() {
  const noticeStyle = {
    color: 'red'

  return (
    <div style={noticeStyle}>
      <span>Custom Notice HTML. <a onClick={this.openPreferences.bind(this)}>Open Preferences</a></span>
        this.props.shouldDisplayMoreText &&
        <p>More Text</p>

const didomiConfig = {
website: {    
  apiKey: '<Your API key>',        
  notice: {
    content: {
      html: {
        en: element => {
          render(<NoticeHTML shouldDisplayMoreText={false} />, element)


<DidomiSDK config={didomiConfig}/>

Other keys in notice.content will be ignored.

Didomi SDK Documentation

See Documentation
