
VentureHacks starter project for AngularJS and Node

Primary LanguageJavaScript

webapp-starter — the seed for the VentureHacks tech session

Getting Started

To get you started you can simply clone the webapp-starter repository and install the dependencies. If you get lost, either yell my name out and flail or use git to pull the next step down.


Have installed:

  • node
  • npm
  • git

Clone webapp-starter

Clone the webapp-starter repository using git:

git clone -b step-0 https://github.com/venture-hacks/webapp-starter.git
cd webapp-starter

The -b step-0 specifies the branch to clone. We will start with the 'step-0' branch.
If you get lost along the way, feel free to just clone the branch at our current step.
You can also 'pull' the step's branch that you want with git like so:

    git checkout {step's branch}

Install Dependencies

npm install
npm install -g bower
bower install

You should find that you have two new folders in your project. Let me know if you do not.

  • node_modules - contains the npm packages for the tools we need
  • app/bower_components - contains the angular framework and client-side dependency files

Note that the bower_components folder would normally be installed in the root folder but webapp-starter changes this location through the .bowerrc file. Putting it in the app folder makes it easier to serve the files by a webserver.

Directory Layout

app/                    --> all of the source files for the application
  components/           --> all app specific modules and directives
  app.css               --> default stylesheet
  app.js                --> main application module
  index.html            --> app layout file (the main html template file of the app)

To Run App

We will write the server to handle small functions on the backend and serve the Angular app on port 8080.

node server.js


npm run serve

Improvements to this app (??)

  • Dynamic scaling is needed!
  • What else do you think?

Further Reading:

Ask me!