
Demo app for testing cool new technologies

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Applicaiton is build using NodeJS, Express, Angurlar,Grunt, Protractor,Selenium, Mocha and other ...

Instruction to install and run applicaiton on other mechine

Prerequisites is to install NodeJS (min version 0.10.18) on operation system.

git clone https://github.com/venuduggireddy/vfdademo.git vfdademo cd vfdademo node app.js // default port is 80

To run the app in a different port

Grunt Tasks:

Grunt Scripts support the continuous integration, multiple tasks were designed and made available to Jenkins; like buildTask, unitTest, integrationTest ... The implementation of tasks requires a number of dependencies that can be loaded and installed using the following commands :

npm install grunt-contrib-copy --save-dev // install contrib-copy
npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev // install contrib-clean
npm install grunt-contrib-compress --save-dev // install contrib-compress
npm install grunt-mocha-test --save-dev //install contrib-test
npm install grunt-zip --save-dev //install contrib-zip
npm install grunt-properties-reader --save-dev // install properties-reader
npm install grunt-protractor-runner --save-dev // install protractor-runner

Following Grunt tasks are availabe

These are the main tasks that are exposed to Jenkins:

  • buildTask : grunt buildTask
    This task does the clean up, creates the necessary directories and starts the build ,then once the archive file is created it will be placed in the dist folder

  • unitTest : grunt unitTest
    the task will run the unit test , please note that the unit test is implemented by using Mocha Framework

  • intergationTest : grunt intergationTest
    the task will run the integration test which is implemented by using Protractor Framework , a Framework that internally uses SeleniumServer

For generating API doucumentation we used apidocjs

npm install apidoc -g

grunt apidoc