
A template for creating AI powered android Todo voice assistant. Read my blog for step by step detail.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Alan Todo Template

Create an android application and add smart voice assistant with Alan AI in just a few steps.

Step 1: Fork the repository

Forking the repository will create a copy of the repository in your gitHub where you can add custom features and build a different version of the app for yourself. You can also, contribute to the template by suggesting necessary changes through issues.

Step 2: Clone your repository

After forking the repository head over to your fork and clone the repository in your local system. There are two ways to clone your repository. Copy the URL of your fork and:

  • Open Android Studio and click on Get from VCS. Type the URL that you copied and select the destination. Your project will be cloned and open in Android Studio.


  • Open Terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to store the project and type git clone "URL that you copied". A folder will be created named Alan-Todo. Open the project with Android Studio.

Your JDK version might mismatch, so select "Use Embedded JDK" when prompted in android studio.

Step 3: Sign Up to Alan Studio

After the build is successful, sign up to Alan Studio and create a project to get the API key. Alan provides APIs for our android application to enable voice assistant. Paste the API key in your project and run the application.

Step 4: Add custom code

Once your application is built successfully and runs on your emulator/mobile, you can add more functionality in the app and make your own version of it. Search for "Todo" in the project to add code to interact with Alan. For more detailed steps on how to add Alan and work with advanced functionalities, refer to my blog.

If you find any bugs in the template or want to suggest new code for beginners to get started, feel free to create a new issue. You'll be requested for a PR if your issue is valid for the template and merged if it meets the requirement.

Check out the other repository Todo App for the complete Todo app that was demonstrated in the blog.