
Easily convert camel cased strings to strings with spaces

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Camel Space Craft CMS Plugin

Easily convert camel spaced strings to strings with spaces. So this 'camelSpacedStringThatNeedsSpaces' would be converted to this 'camel Spaced String That Needs Spaces'.


To install Camel Space, follow these steps:

  1. Download & unzip the file and place the camelspace directory into your craft/plugins directory
  2. -OR- do a git clone https://github.com/venveo/camelspace.git directly into your craft/plugins folder. You can then update it with git pull
  3. -OR- install with Composer via composer require venveo/camelspace
  4. Install plugin in the Craft Control Panel under Settings > Plugins
  5. The plugin folder should be named camelspace for Craft to see it. GitHub recently started appending -master (the branch name) to the name of the folder for zip file downloads.

Camel Space works on Craft 2.4.x and Craft 2.5.x.

Using Camel Space

Take a string that is camel cased, such as an entry type or handle, and apply the filter or function.

{{ camelSpace('camelCasedString') }}

{{ 'camelCasedString' | camelSpace }}

Both will output camel Cased String. You can then add additional filters to apply, such as title, like this: {{ camelSpace('camelCasedString') | title }} to output Camel Cased String.

Camel Space Changelog

1.0.0 -- 2016.11.16

  • Initial release


About Venveo

Venveo is a Digital Marketing Agency for Building Materials Companies in Blacksburg, VA. Learn more about us on our website.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.