The website is deployed on Github Pages.
SCION tutorial pages are written in markdown and they are placed in the content
directory (with one exception: the home page is in ./
The HTML website is generated using Jekyll with the just-the-docs theme.
The webpage is rebuilt automatically when you push to GitHub. If you don't want to see the preview before pushing, you can stop reading now. (Using a Markdown-capable editor, such as the online editor online, might work well for this.)
If you want to preview the docs locally, you need to install the github-pages
gem (installs Jekyll in the same way as it is installed on GitHub pages):
bundle install --path _vendor/bundle
(You need a working Ruby+bundler install first, install those from your OS's packages.)
In order to generate the website, run in the activated virtualenv:
bundle exec jekyll build
The newly generated website will be placed in the _site
During the development phase, it is possible to run a local webserver and automatically refresh the website content. To do this, run:
bundle exec jekyll serve
Create a .md
file inside content
(or an appropriate subdirectory, if it will have sub-pages). This file must have a YAML front matter, which determines the site navigation structure.
Create content/some-topic/
(or just content/
) with content like:
title: Some Topic
nav_order: 47
has_children: true # omit if you don't want second-level pages
This is my content.
Create content/some-topic/
with content like:
title: Some Subtopic
parent: Some Topic
nav_order: 42
This is my content.
See for more info about the site navigation.
TODO somebody should upstream these one day.
{% include alert type="Warning" title="DANGER!!1!" content="
I am _very_ **dangerous**!
" %}
We use the just-the-docs theme as a "remote theme", which means that the theme source is not included in this repository. However, by copying individual files from the theme to the same place here, we can override them. The theme is very overriding-friendly: see just-the-docs customization docs).
If you are making some generally useful changes, consider opening a PR in the upstream theme instead.
You can always look for broken links in the tutorials by running:
wget --spider -r -nd -nv -l 3 -w 0 -o - | grep -B1 'broken link!'
Prior to merge to master it is always nice to check against our own repository. For that you need to enable Github Pages in your clone of scion-tutorials
, and remembering that Github Pages are available only for the master branch, your commits would have to be pushed to your master. E.g.:
git push myremotename HEAD:master
sleep 30
wget --spider -r -nd -nv -l 3 -w 0 -o - | grep -B1 'broken link!'