
base Dockerfile for tidyviz image

Primary LanguageR


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tidyviz-base base for tidyviz

Built upon rocker/ropensci:latest

This is a base image for tidyviz. just some libraries and github packages plus rJava

PLEASE CONSIDER any other tidyviz image instead for all packages and features (wrangler, stats, extra...)

Quick Reference

Pull the image from repo:

docker pull jvera/tidyviz-base:latest

Then build a container:

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 jvera/tidyviz-base

Connect to port 8787 with your browser (rstudio as user and password) to check if your Rserver is up and running. By default, the RStudio user does not have access to root, such that users cannot install binary libraries with apt-get without first entering the container. To enable root from within RStudio, launch the container with the flag -e ROOT=TRUE, e.g.

docker run -d -p 8787:8787 -e ROOT=TRUE jvera/tidyviz-base

You can now open a shell from RStudio (see the "Tools" menu), or directly from the R console using system(), e.g.

system("sudo apt-get install -y vim")

When container is built you can start it with:

docker start mycontainer --interactive /bin/bash

Sharing data with host:

docker start mycontainer --interactive -v ~/dockerdata:/data /bin/bash

Any file you place there, will be available for the container to use, and vice versa. Maybe you need a Shiny Server, so run a Dockerized Shiny and share the same folder so you can develop your viz in Rstudio and serve with Shiny.

More info: Using Rstudio Image



when running your image shiny should be installed and waiting on port 3838.