A simple App to search and view YouTube videos.

To run

clone this repo npm install npm start

Tools Used

Skills Learned

  1. YouTube API from Google Developer
  • Create an account if necessary
  • Create a new project
  • Enable APIs --> search for youtube -->
  • select YouTube Data API v3 --> WEb browser (Javascript) --> public data
  • Click what credentials do I need? --> copy API key
  • Optional: restrict API key to --> HTTP referrers example: localhost:XXXX
  • YouTube API docs
  1. Improved knowledge of Semantic-UI usage
  2. Deeply Nested Callbacks - state is held in highest parent component
  • When communicating information from a child back up to a parent USE A CALLBACK through props
    • example: onVideoSelect starts in the App --> Video list --> Video Item
      • within App ==> create function -> pass as parentPropName={this.callbackFxn} NO PARENTHESIS
      • within first child -> receive prop -> pass as parentPropName={parentPropName} SIMPLE PASS
      • within final child -> prop={callbackFxn(param)} WITH PARENTHESIS and PARAM